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Russiagate Research:
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Apr 27, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
@lawfare @TylerMcBrien @AnnaBower Are we sure Trump is guilty of FALSIFYING BUSINESS RECORDS IN THE SECOND DEGREE § 175.05?
It's a prerequisite for § 175.10.
A reasonable interpretation could be its purely monetary, i.e. claiming money moved in or out that did not. "False" is not the same as "mischarecterized" Image @lawfare @TylerMcBrien @AnnaBower The "Second crime" of § 175.10 would then make more sense. Claiming money moved in or out that never did is bad, but if it's in commission of a larger financial fraud, the elevation of it to a Felony makes more sense. Image
Oct 31, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The most serious charge facing most of the January 6th defendants, including Trump, is being stretched by the Gov't in charging, because it's meant to criminalize completely different behavior.
Your first giveaway is the title of the law:…
Image The first two sections A and B deal with witness tampering. Section C deals with document tampering. C (1) says it plainly. (2) covers their bases by including language that would apply to, say, deleting a file, or destroying a device, rather than shredding a paper document. Image
Apr 13, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
4 tell-tale signs that Liberalism is an intentional scam, not just a misguided philosophy 🧵 Conservative philosophy at its base has no system other than to enshrine freedom from those who would attempt to usurp it. It’s self defensive in nature.
Mar 20, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
The reported prosecution Alvin Bragg is preparing to bring against Trump is problematic in every way, legally. 🧵 The theory is in NY it's a crime to falsify business records IF it's for the purpose of commiting another crime. So this would be something typically added on to the underlying crime. But here, the underlying crime is campaign finance crime that are outside his jurisdiction,
Nov 13, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
#FTX questions Image Ok, finally got some good answers to my first and second question.
It looks like it operated similar to Robinhood Image
Nov 12, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Our news media landscape is just a potemkin village of fake outlets. Rick Scott claimed Republicans didn't show up to vote. So I googled "turnout" and got fifteen stories in a row about how Gen Z turned out big (except they didn't really) and that was the difference. Had to dig to find actual turnout numbers. When I finally found them as I suspected they were in line or better than 2018.
Who gets paid to strategize these head fake narratives and then send out the memo to these fake news outlets? Talk about a cool job.
Mar 11, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
@Commentary The difference in the Rules-based order run via US Hegemony and the Law-based order Russia and China have been recently promoting (ironically) is really nothing to do with rules or laws (clearly) @Commentary It’s all about whether the world will exist in a anarchy state with self appointed good guys playing global policeman, or an actual world government body enforcing a global law above and on to nations.
Jan 19, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Jan 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The argument that you owe it to society to take the vaccine, not because you will then be certain not to spread the virus to others, but because you will not take up a hospital bed when you get sick, (the only argument left to them) is on its face a ridiculous argument ... For one, The same argument could be made for quitting smoking, stopping binge drinking, doing drugs, not exercising, etc ..
For another, the individual incentive to not get seriously ill will always dwarf any communal obligation to not fill a hospital bed ...
Dec 26, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
The trick #Fauci uses is simple. 🧵
In any pandemic with people dying there will be two easy arguments to make on behalf of any potential drug or vaccine:
A) with so many people dying we can't wait for a thorough trial period to test safety, we must roll the dice
Or B)... B) We cannot approve this drug despite people clamoring for anything to treat their symptoms because we cannot be sure of it's safety without rigorous testing.
Here's the trick. If it's a profitable, patented, and (for some reason) experimental and dangerous drug he argues A
Nov 25, 2021 15 tweets 6 min read
Everything in @davidfrum article is easily explained or debunked.…. 🧵 His first 3 points are just that Trump did business in Moscow. This was the original Glenn Simpson pitched that Marc Elias was ready to pass on.
Jul 16, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
There's a new book Forget The Alamo that tries to do to Texas Independence what the 1619 project did for the American Founding

Like the 1619 project said of the founding fathers, it claims Texans only wanted independence because Mexico wanted to end slavery and so they fought... to keep their slaves. (As if Mexico was a paragon of moral virtue in the 1830s.)

I've been arguing with supporters of it online about the historical accuracy, but of course motives are difficult to pin down two hundred years later.
Sep 9, 2020 16 tweets 6 min read
Here's my own comic book "QAnon"- good guys vs bad guys-secretly battling behind the scenes- theory.

It Begins with the end of the Cold War. Communism simply couldn't sustain itself economically. Capitalism was victorious. Bush declared a "New World Order". You see, the West was capitalist and Democratic, but in reality, behind the scenes, the political leaders, thought leaders and generals, had all sold out to international finance, who were actually behind Communism to begin with. That was their first choice. But it failed.
Jul 20, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
The Bubonic Plague was the biggest turning point in human history.
Before it the world was run by royal families, with a more recent collection of banking families quickly became second in power through lending, through the recent introduction of fractional reserve banking... Due to massive death of the royals themselves from the plague, and their leaving the cities to withdraw to country manors, unseen, the majority of ruling families were deposed and replaced all at once.
These replacement monarchs were called the "Black Nobility"
Jun 25, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
What's the significance of Biden's Logan Act talk? It's the halfway point in a thought process that leads to the hatching of the Ignatius trap.
THREAD: If there was anything actually treasonous in the Kislyak call, you wouldn't need to discuss the Logan Act. If the Logan Act were actually a real law, you wouldn't need the too cute Ignatius column that revealed only the call, but not the content, in order to purposefully start
Jun 12, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
We'll never know what George said, on either May 6th or May 10th, to either Alexander Downer or Erika Thompson, or both. The closest we'll get is what's in the Downer 302, which even our side has never thought to ask for.
But if I had to guess, I would say George said THIS: Image How did I arrive at this formulation.

Let's start here: Image
Jun 12, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
It occurs to me that whoever Guccifer 2 was KNEW the DNC emails had gotten in Wikileaks hands, but didn't actually have access to them himself. The documents he released on his blog actually came from Podesta's email. So he had access to that... Then, perhaps what he DID give Wikileaks on 7/14 was Podesta's emails. (I need to check the date range). Maybe he hoped they would release those instead of the DNC emails. We know he asked the Wikileaks twitter account to tell him which DNC emails they had and when they ...
Jun 10, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
How about a thread on all the different versions of the George Papadopoulos and Alexander Downer conversation that we've been told?

This will probably take all day...

Version 1: the headline starts so confidently, little did @MarkMazzettiNYT realize how much it would change In Version 1 it's May 10th, with Downer, in the wine room, and the quote is that "Russia had Political Dirt on Hillary Clinton"
Jun 5, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
I talked about this the other day, but here in this thread I will show you that Robert Mueller was not appointed under the Special Counsel regulations.
Screenshot 1: Rod Rosenstien yesterday Image Here's a question from Lindsey Graham. Look at Rod's answer. Lindsey quickly flew off in another direction, most people didn't catch this even if they were watching Image
May 19, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
@CBS_Herridge @CBSNews Key take away from this email is that Obama was indeed overseeing the Counterintelligence investigation, and Obama was looking for an excuse to hide the investigation from the incoming administration, to keep it going. That's what the 1/4 meeting was about. @CBS_Herridge @CBSNews Correction: 1/5
Apr 18, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Fauci, Birx, and the Surgeon General really explained testing well yesterday. We have enough testing.
Here's the highlights: