Associate Prof. | Computer Science & BioFrontiers @CUBoulder | Ext. Faculty @sfiscience | @InsideNatGeo Explorer | She/her
Jan 25, 2023 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
There are so many fascinating aggregations in nature that go beyond social insects!
It was really fun writing this review with Olga Shishkov, and my favorite part is the collection of movies (thanks @Collective_CI for accommodating it!) - 👇🧵
For example, Blackworm (Lumbriculus variegatus) blob in water moving across a temperature gradient, 50C on the right and 15C on the left. The aggregated worms move to the preferred colder water, sped up 128x. Video courtesy of Yasemin Ozkan-Aydin and Saad Bhamla @BhamlaLab
🧵1/7 2/7 Fireflies flashing in unison is not just a mesmerizing manifestation of animal collective behavior… but also a landmark example of biological synchrony.
We recently developed a method to record the 3D spatiotemporal pattern of their flashes