Grames Barnaby Profile picture
May 10, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
The real reason that teiflings become THE playable race du jour is simple, but @DaddyWarpig is being way to polite about it. As a player class it didn't fully skyrocket for the hipster crowd of rainbow players until a certain MMORPG came out after D&D 3.5:
Image In fact I'm surprised that most don't make the connection that the revival of D&D under 5th edition didn't suffer from the pink sliminess of WoW's racial takes and now the racial asymmetry of old D&D was thrown in the bin for Blizzard balance and "storytelling" Image
Jan 6, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
@Workin_American @KMGVictoria I think it's less of a mystery than one might think.

There's a common theme to the trans trending question that is immediately answered with a simple conjecture in these stories not unlike mass shooting ones :

"The Father is not available for comment." @Workin_American @KMGVictoria And if nothing else the fatherlessness that is so callously celebrated by the woman who choose to be loose with her lips will sooner or later find her limited treasure waning at first, the subsidies she got fading, and then finally her beauty as it were.

But if she divorced....
Oct 22, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
@jondelarroz If you want to get an idea about what happened with the 21 Convention, here's the TL;DR. It was an attempt by one guy to set up an annual convention for more well known Manosphere types around the 2010's, it got overwhelmed by the grift types and Covid put the pins to it. @jondelarroz And it didn't end there, the founder wanted to be "President of the Manosphere" and so to do that he picked fights with the old guard types like Rollo Tomassi.

For deets on this @RationalMale was on the Rule Zero podcast explaining in further detail:
Jun 26, 2022 11 tweets 6 min read
1) To @JohnsonJeffro you are close but there's a simplier reason that the Refusal of the Call doesn't work in heroic stories.

That's because most people who talk about Joseph Campbell avoid actually reading what he meant by that. And for laughs invite @Bdubs1776 for the ride. 2) Not actually reading what Joseph Campbell actually said but constantly referring to the stupid story circle that got pushed round by journalists shilling for bad super cape flicks has ruined the good that Joseph Campbell brought for people trying to understand myth.