Jennifer Pahlka Profile picture
Author of Recoding America Fellow at @NiskanenCenter, @FAScientists, @UChicagoCEG Formerly @CodeforAmerica @USDS @USDResponse Defense Innovation Board
Jul 25, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Let me say this with some attempt at perspective. I experienced a home invasion today. Got off zoom calls and went into my bedroom to find a man going through my things. He'd been through the whole house.
I AM FINE. I just want to say something about this. 1/6 I would love to say this without being attacked, but let’s see how this goes. First: Mister Rogers said When something scary happens, look for the helpers. My neighbors helped me. I am so grateful for them. That said, I wish 911 had picked up the first two times I called. 2/6
Jun 10, 2023 13 tweets 6 min read
ICYMI, here are the 3 books I recommended on the Ezra Klein show this week. The first one has a subtitle so long it doesn't fit in a tweet, but it's called Implementation and it's like one of the stories in my book but from 1973, and told in even greater nerdy detail.
May 5, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
1/ Little thread: It feels like there’s a lot of pre-emptive reactions about people’s mask-wearing choices right now. 2/ As in, I’m no longer wearing a mask outside because the science says there’s no benefit and the law supports that now, but I’m worried that someone’s going to shame or judge me about that choice, so I’m upset before I even walk out the door.
Mar 23, 2020 16 tweets 8 min read
What is @USDResponse? It’s help for governments during this crisis. COVID-19 is already overwhelming the data, digital, and operational capacities of government in a myriad of ways, and we have qualified people who can step in. Here’s a thread with what you need to know. 1/ First, the best way you can help is getting the word to state, local, or federal government. We have over 40 requests so far, but with 1400 volunteers and growing every minute, we may not be able to place most people who raise their hands. 2/
Oct 17, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
I was subscribed to the White House email newsletter in 2013. When Trump took office, I realized I was still subscribed, and decided (after a few months of shock) to keep reading them. I'm glad I did. They do not represent reality, but they do help me understand something. 1/ If you read these every day, Trump seems kind of awesome. Obviously, I read a lot of other things every day, so I draw a very different conclusion. But whoever writes these does a great job of making everything that happens sound somewhere between pretty reasonable and great. 2/
Aug 6, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
I fell in love with Toni Morrison's words pretty young. I remember Tar Baby and Song of Solomon taking my breath away. As it happens, I just read A Mercy last week. There was one passage in particular that I wanted to share with the world. I guess today is the day to do that. 2/ Here goes. From A Mercy.
"One day, ran the story, an eagle laid her eggs in a nest far above and far beyond the snakes and paws that hunted them. Her eyes are midnight black and shiny as she watches over them. At the tremble of a leaf, the scent of any other life,
May 23, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ Nearly 10 years ago, I became obsessed with creating a new kind of public service and bringing government into the digital age. So I started @codeforamerica. 2/ We’ve focused on showing what’s possible when government takes a user-centered, iterative, and data-driven approach to solving problems.
Mar 17, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
Must-read from @anildash: 12 Things Everyone Should Understand About Tech. Stand by for some good bits. 1/x: The values of technology creators are deeply ingrained in every button, every link, and every glowing icon of the apps and services you use.