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Twitter's friendliest anon. DMs always appreciated! Replies may not always be swift. overcomingparasociality@protonmail.com
Feb 22, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
American conservatism has become increasingly low-status over a 30 year period (high in the Reagan years, downhill ever since).

Young women are generally more socially aware / less status-clueless than young men, and thus are reacting to this more strongly than young men. When people refer to conservatism in America, what they usually mean is "movement conservatism."

Movement conservatism is not very old. It emerged from the collapse of the Old Right (Taft defeat in 1952) and the failure of John Birch / Joe McCarthy (McCarthy's censure in 1954).
Feb 22, 2023 23 tweets 7 min read
The decline of The Simpsons is often dated to "The Principal and the Pauper" (1997, Season 9). I disagree; there were many excellent Season 9 and 10 episodes after that.

If you want to know where the show fell down, look to "Bart to the Future" (2000, Season 11). There were many wonderful things about classic The Simpsons. One of the best was Bart, the emotional core of the show for the first 10 seasons.

Bart is (was) an archetypical character: The Trickster.
Feb 21, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Scott, "The Art of Not Being Governed"

"My thesis is... [that the Southeast Asian Massif or 'Zomia'] is the largest remaining region of the world whose peoples have not yet been fully incorporated into nation-states. Its days are numbered." "Not so very long ago, however, such self-governing peoples were the great majority of humankind. Today, they are seen from the valley kingdoms as 'our living ancestors,' 'what we were like before we discovered wet-rice cultivation, Buddhism, & civilization.' On the contrary..."
Feb 21, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Cool 🧵. I like Bones' juxtaposition of the dystopia and the fantasy, and the way they blur into each other.

I think this observation holds for a lot of dystopias. Nightmares are dreams, after all. Sometimes, the ambiguity is so obvious that it can be assumed to be a deliberate choice of the author. Brave New World is as much a utopia as a dystopia.

Brave New World, for example. The strong utopian features force the reader to ask "is this a dream or a nightmare?"
Feb 21, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Tends to support the Nakatani Akio / Thomas Brennan "nuclear weapons are a hoax or at least are not nearly as effective as advertised" thesis.
Aug 19, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
The Right severely underestimates the appeal of equality, or is even reflexively anti-equality.

Equality—including the dreaded "equality of outcome"—reduces opportunities for social division and makes the average person happier.

Equality can be both good politics & good policy. The slogan "Liberté, égalité, fraternité" is astute, but badly ordered.

It should be: Égalité, fraternité, liberté.

Equality makes fraternity: social cohesion, group consciousness, goodwill, asibiyyah.

Fraternity makes liberty: the undivided are the unconquered.
Aug 19, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Could there be cultural/political factors? Sure. But (assuming the video is real) I think the main "villains" are dangerous cars, confused bystanders, & poor visibility.

Not CCP politics or Chinese culture.

Also, this sort of stuff is hardly unique to China. Compare to this incident in Queens:
Aug 18, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Weird thought experiment:

What if there was a law that you could only marry someone born in the same calendar year as yourself?

1995 must marry 1995. If you were born Dec. 31, 1995, and your partner Jan. 1, 1996, no marriage license for you!

There would be some benefits. BEFORE I CONTINUE:
I have no moral objection to age-gaps.

I think shaming individual people for age gaps is pointless and counter-productive. Adults are adults, if they're happy, I'm happy.

My bona fides:
Aug 17, 2022 68 tweets 15 min read
Have you ever wondered what distinguishes an Ismaili Shia from a Twelver Shia?

*crickets because no one wondered that*

Yeah, well too bad, it's my thread.

This is the most useful chart I've seen for understanding Shia divisions. In this thread, I'll explain how to read it. Image The first thing to understand is that a dividing line between Sunni and Shia is the concept of the imamate.

An imam, literally, is "one who walks in front." The guide on the path.
Aug 15, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Are tattoos, in part, a status signal?

Humans have always found ways to display their wealth: Conspicuous consumption.

Humans especially like to display wealth on their persons, carrying the signal wherever they go: Jewelry and expensive clothes. Tattoos too? A tapestry of well-done tattoos serves as a permanent, loss-proof marker that you had money to pay a competent tattooist for his time.

Tattoos advantages and disadvantages vis-à-vis other forms of conspicuous consumption.
Aug 14, 2022 47 tweets 15 min read
A hierarchy of alienness: Pictures of animals from least to most related to you.

Least-related animal: Sponges. You and sponges are both animals. That's basically all you've got in common. You and comb jellies are both eumetazoans: "later animals").
Aug 14, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Humans are more closely related to rabbits & rats than to dogs & bats.

More closely related to dogs than to elephants, dugongs & armadillos.

More closely related to elephants than to opossums & kangaroos.

More closely related to opossums than to platypuses & echidnas. Platypuses and echidnas are our most distant cousins in Class Mamammalia. We're not even in the same subclass with them.

We're in the same subclass as opossums.

The same clade as elephants.

The same magnorder as dogs.

The same superorder as rodents and rabbits.
Aug 14, 2022 23 tweets 4 min read
Try-hard over-analyses are what I do best. Some thoughts:
1) Weird overuse of the word true: "now that I understand the TRUE motives of feminism," "this could not be further from the TRUTH," "war on TRUE masculinity"

It's vaguely cult-like, but also ass-covering because any counter-example can be dismissed as "not the TRUE [x] I'm talking about."
Aug 13, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
TIL, that Russia has a film that's either:
1) A Death Wish ripoff or
2) Proofs that the tropes of Death Wish are so primal that an almost identical story can be independently recreated a world away.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voroshilo… Thugs rape man's daughter, police are useless, so man turns vigilante and execute thugs.
Aug 13, 2022 35 tweets 7 min read
It's an oversimplification, but "insecurity breeds violence" is more correct than "self-assuredness breeds violence."

1) Islamic radicalism DOES stem from insecurity.
2) "Extremely invested" ≠ "self-assured"
3) Fanaticism = investment + "not self-assured" Islamic civilization went from being a great (perhaps THE great) civilization of the world, masters of the heart and holy lands, lords of the caravans and the silk roads to a pitiable backwater, almost totally impotent in the face of Western civilization.
Aug 13, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The transvestite/transsexual-serial killer connection is interesting. But I don't think it's true (historically) that we don't talk about it.

E.g., cultural milestone and Best Picture/Director/Actor/Actress/Screenplay Oscar winner, Silence of the Lambs. However, it's also an overblown trope. Looking at American serial killers: The most notorious, Bundy, was not a transvestite.

The most prolific, Sam Little, was not a transvestite (though he did kill a transsexual). Neither was the second most prolific, Gary Ridgway.
Jul 10, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This is the opposite of what Hitler & Co. actually laid out as their rhetorical strategy.

Dietrich Eckhart, Hitler's earliest political mentor, emphasized appeal to women: "[Our leader] must be a bachelor, then we'll get the women." Hitler, of course, was a bachelor. Hitler himself--I can't find the quote and it's driving me nuts--said that, in addressing a crowd, he would try first to when over the women. The men would follow once the women were on board.
Jul 9, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
Activism 101: Who are you trying to convince? How do you look to them?

This does not make the mic-grabber or her cause look good. It makes her look like a crazed and silly bully. @hradzka has an excellent post about how leftists learned to organize in the 60s. They used role-playing exercises to see how their tactics would appear to the viewers at home.

How does this look to a normie?
Jul 9, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
If the monarchy can't preserve itself, how can you possibly expect it to preserve the nation?

I assume that the "hanging by a thread" referred to is demographic displacement, which has happened to many monarchies.

Migration, invasion, displacement is the oldest story in history It's the story of King Arthur: A last, glorious stand against the Saxon migrants.

Then the Britons got displaced, hence the proverbial "Anglo-Saxons."

Arthur himself represented the Romano-Britons who had earlier displaced the Celtic tribes.
Jul 8, 2022 14 tweets 2 min read
A chokepoint for new religions/movements: What happens after the death of the founder?

There is almost always a power struggle, which follows predictable patterns.

A common division is "family of founder" vs. "unrelated lieutenant of the founder." The latter usually "wins." -Jesus: James [brother] vs. Peter and Paul. James faction sidelined.
-Mohammed: Ali [son-in-law] (Shia) vs. Omar (Sunni). Omar's faction dominant.
-Joseph Smith: Joe Smith III [son] (RLDS) vs. Brigham Young (LDS). Young faction dominant.
Jul 8, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
A look at how severe fuel crises might play out: Petrol and diesel sales limited to "buses, trains and emergency services" for two weeks.
telegraph.co.uk/global-health/… As is often the case (see Kevin Phillips' work on collapsing empires, "American Theocracy") the energy crisis is comorbid with a debt crisis.

Sri Lanka "owes £27 billion to international lenders with less than £1 million of foreign exchange in the bank."