Paresh Deshmukh Profile picture
25. Founder @BoloForms Approvals. I tweet about my learnings in building profitable SaaS & AI products. 1X SaaS exit. via @bitspilaniindia
Feb 21, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
Here's a proven way to find a micro-SaaS idea that will generate 1-3lac/mo in recurring income for you.

A thread🧵👇 But firstly, what is a micro-SaaS?

micro-SaaS is software which 1-2 people can build to solve a problem of a niche set of users who pay them a monthly recurring subscription to use the software.

The goal is 1-3 lacs MRR.

The smaller the niche, the lesser the competition.
Jun 1, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Today we had a Zoom call with @warikoo and it was one of the best mentorship sessions ever.

We thought that this advice could help other founders/PMs too, so, we've tried to summarize it.

Here are our learnings: <thread> 1/6 If most of the people do not find your idea absolutely trash and impossible - it has likely been done before, look for reasons why it didn't work.

There's often an insight that has been missed/overlooked upon. You'll find that insight if you go into the details.
Apr 16, 2020 12 tweets 6 min read
We're building the next big thing in consumer social since the past couple of months.

A thread on why do we think so👇

At Closer, we're redefining how you discover new people whom you can date, be friends with or professionally network with. @Facebook,@instagram,@Snap have done really well to bring offline communities online but they are terrible when it comes to DISCOVERY.

Discovering new people to connect on these platforms is hard due to the trust deficit.

And trust is critical while forming new relationships.