Brad Parscale Profile picture
Digital Architect/Manager of Trump’s 2016 & 2020 Campaigns | CSO @SalemMediaGrp | Creator @campnucleus -tech of Trump’s 2024 victory | @eyesover_tech @mktbrew
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Jun 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
This is not accurate. Nobody, not one person, brought up this day of remembrance. And there is absolutely no reason to NOT have a rally on this day. Our party should not run from these days. We had many rallies on other days of remembrance.… Many rallies were on religious holidays or days of horrible tragedies. There is a holiday or a day of remembrance nearly every day. We should have recognized the day and what it meant, not simply run from it. The media wanted the script, and unfortunately some fell for the trap.
May 7, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
For nearly three years we have been building a juggernaut campaign (Death Star). It is firing on all cylinders. Data, Digital, TV, Political, Surrogates, Coalitions, etc.

In a few days we start pressing FIRE for the first time. I didn’t give our campaign the name, Death Star, the media did. However, I am happy to use the analogy. The fact is, we haven’t used it yet. Laugh all you want, we will take the win!
Apr 17, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read

Biden parroted Chinese government talking points and incomplete data to criticize President Trump in a purely political attack.

He insisted we need to "put millions of citizens on a pathway to citizenship"

Oct 14, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
Five Questions for the Democrat Debate tomorrow. Will @CNN ask? I doubt it. We all remember the questions @realDonaldTrump received during his Primary debates.

1) Biden: What was Hunter's unique qualification to get that much money which has added up to more than $3,000,000? @CNN @realDonaldTrump 2) All: Which Democratic candidates support Beto O'Rourke's proposal to cut off tax deductibility for any church or other religious institution that does not recognize Gay Marriage?
Sep 22, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
If @Google @facebook @apple want to #StopTheBias, they should immediately stop allowing ALL stories with opinion and commentary in the “news” on their apps and platforms. Complete separate tab for opinion! This is the BIAS! They know it. Growing up, the opinion and editorial sections of newspapers were clearly separated.

Tech companies have created significant bias by now aggregating opinion into news feeds. By doing so and the fact more liberal opinion writers exist they have created the #PaloAltoMafia.