Senior Pastor The Covenant Nation and Convener The Platform Nigeria.
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Oct 17, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
1. The more I examine events of life in every field of human endeavour, the more I see the law of sowing and reaping at work with mathematical precision. What you sow is exactly what you will reap. Be good to others, be kind to strangers, let your life be a platform for others.
2. Show up for people when they are in need & not when you are in need & when you do have needs, strangers will help you. You cannot violate this law and pretend your way to success, it will reveal you to yourself with failure. God cannot be mocked, whatsoever a man sows he reaps
Oct 15, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
1. If you saw a group of children poorly clothed, looking for food in strange places & you were told their father is the wealthiest man in this city, what will you think? This man must be wicked and mean. How can someone with such ability be so reluctant to use it on his children
2. This is the picture satan tries to paint. God who is all powerful but reluctant to use his power on your behalf. Our faith must be based on the goodness of God even before his ability, God's willingness to bless his creatures. There is an attack on the fatherhood of God.
Sep 10, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
1. The next major revival will be the manifestation of the feast of tabernacles in full blown. It will be driven by local congregations not just individual ministries. It will encompasse the 9 gifts of the Spirit in operation with the fruit of the Spirit active among believers
2. There will be an active participation of the laity and not as spectators. Different offices will operate in different capacities with a strong teaching anointing creating balance. It will be birthed through worship, soul travail and intercessory prayer mixed with compassion.
Jul 3, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
In preparing for Platform 2018 our team flew to Abidjan to the HQ of the African Development Bank to interview Mr Victor Oladokun.
The Platform themed "Beyond Politics The New Tribe of Africans fighting Poverty & Changing the Face of the Continent" speaks on The Power of Media.
2. Here are some notable quotes:
“Whether it’s a music video, whether it’s a film, whether it’s a talk show, it’s all about people and it’s all about stories, so how are you crafting that narrative, how are you telling that story in a way that is compelling?”
Apr 15, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
1. One can through what I will term "veiled leadership" live by a different set of principles you teach or show others. Moses put a veil over his face so the end i.e fading glory of the order he was operating in will not be seen. You can hide what is really going on from others.
2. Moses knew the ways of God, the acts were known to the children of Israel. I do think Moses in his direct interaction with God and seeing his power work through him in Egypt without the law, knew that the law was not required in order to have a vital relationship with God.
Feb 28, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
1. As it is recorded in scriptures God isn't slack concerning his promises as some think he is. The real issue is there are certain things in us hindering God from fulfilling his word. He needs to get it out of us. His strategy is the refiners furnace. He allows us go thru crisis
2. We are confronting errors we may not understand and secret faults. Pride is the true enemy of growth and fruitfulness for the proud person refuses to admit the change begins with him or her. We would rather play the victim and point accusing fingers at others.
Mar 9, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
1. Power in what you hear yourself say. A medical doctor once told me that a man's physical balance is determined majorly by three organs. The brain, heart and the inner ear.
He further explained that your outer ear is responsible for hearing sound but the inner ear for balance.
2. The only time you hear with your inner ear is when you speak. When others speak you hear with your outer ear.
This is the reason why if a recording of your speech is played back you may first be surprised at how you sound, it sounds different from the way you heard yourself.
Feb 18, 2021 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
1. (On politics) I was once in a conversation with an elderly friend of mine who is American. He is deeply involved in politics in the States and I asked about what he had learnt. He said, "our movement pushed and mobilised and we got (.........) into the white house."
2. "However, we saw that our interests were not executed by him then we realised in a democratic setting sometimes its the people that surround the president or anyone in executive positions that really matter. Those he speaks to first and last.
We therefore changed our strategy"
Feb 12, 2021 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
1. On politics: A political party is simply a vehicle through which you access political power. What you decide to do with the power is dependent upon the character of the party. It could be used to serve the masses and alleviate sufferings or to enrich the founders of the party.
2. In order for any group of people to access power in a democracy you will have to have a vehicle which is a political party. You have two options. You either form a new party with your defined goals or you join an existing one and change the platform of the party from within.
Feb 12, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
1. Yesterday, I reviewed a book on leadership at the invitation of @laternabooks and it was the biography of Jurgen Klopp.
There are several powerful principles that played out in his life.
Emphasisng things like "the best plan rather than the best players win matches" 2. "Pragmatism is what counts rather than aesthetics"
What I sought for most was how his faith influenced his thinking in the world of football which is so mundane.
I found it when he spoke about his first team Mainz which he coached.
Jan 29, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
1. When the bible says with one mouth you can't bless God and then curse men created in his image. The mouth as the vessel through which our spiritual sacrifices go up to God becomes corrupted as a sacred vessel when we use the same tongue to speak evil of others.
2. The mouth becomes incapacitated and unable to adequately perform that spiritual task. satan therefore will leave us to sing but earnestly seek to contaminate the vessel by provoking us to develop enmity in our hearts towards others and speak evil belonging God's image in them.
Dec 31, 2020 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
1. Thread about Cross-over services.
Some have asked is December 31st really a special day and what about cross-over services? This they say is a Nigerian thing. There is nothing sacred about it some have said
This may be true however let's read from the words of Apostle Paul. 2. Paul in his day must have faced a similar challenge as some must have still observed days in the Jewish calendar. When he was asked about some people who were still observing certain days as being more important than others and they criticized those individuals Paul's response
Dec 4, 2020 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
1. When the Scriptures says, I have seen an error that proceeds from the ruler, servants riding upon horses and princes walking as servants. This is the law of exchange. The prince walking actually owns the horse the servant is riding upon. Wrong people accessing powerful places
2. The way this happens is through the sly practices of the "servant" and the naivety of the prince. The servant first gets into close association with a prince and uses his name. With the relationship in the bag, any mistake he makes, he secretly throws the prince under bus.
Dec 2, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
To be authentic you must speak from your journey, seek deeper interpretations to the events in your life and teach from that. Reason is, there is nothing new under the sun in terms of human experience. We may toay use more sophisticated tools but the emotions behind are the same.
Whoever is "successful" & gives advice their words must be consistent with who they are and their own experience. They can counsel out of their failures or successes but it must come from somewhere authentic. There was a reason why Jesus went to the temple to hear the Pharisses.
Nov 30, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
This is not about being for President Trump or against him. It is about why & how he surprisingly emerged and won 4years ago against all odds and this time with 73m votes, inspite of a pandemic shocked everyone with his followership. This was broadcast the day before the election
It sends a message to political leadership who may be cut in the bubble of governing thinking only in terms of political friends, catering only for the elites with influence. Its about the mass of people who feel forgotten which will give rise the unexpected happening.
Nov 19, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
One of the worst things in leadership is to create an echo chamber around you where only those who agree with your point of view are allowed into your inner circle. Those with honest but different ideas are punished with exclusion. Every other person suppresses their convictions.
2. However what causes this is not as straight forward as many may think. The leader may have been betrayed in the past by those he trusted. His first experience with difference in opinion may have come through a very cantankerous person with the intention to break cohesion.
Nov 13, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
The Church cannot afford a liberal theology that is not founded on the written word of God. If that is allowed, we may increase our popularity but at the expense of spiritual power. In obeying God, we will have to contend with a dual opinion report some will say good others bad.
Am sure it will have been more popular for the apostles to have been directly involved in helping widows but in Acts 6:2 they said this, "Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them, and said, it is not reason we should leave the word of God and serve tables"
Nov 12, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
1. To those reaching out for the new. Nothing wrong with a new generation of ministers wanting to take the Church in a new direction. The Church is ripe for a new wave of the Spirit. However it won't be realized by attacking the old but by defining & substantiating the new.
2. You will fail if your voice is divisive. It must be substantiated from a heart void of offense. Once you start with a voice of attack & not words of knowledge, not with speech seasoned with salt ministering grace but in bitterness, you lose 95% of the people you want to reach
Oct 31, 2020 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
1. Recently I heard of the pledge you had to sign up to in order to join the civil rights movement.
The Birmingham campaign pledge was a commitment card that, according to Martin Luther King, all volunteers were “required” to sign in order to participate in the movement. 2. The card consisted of ten commandments, including:
1) meditate daily on the teachings and life of Jesus.
2) remember always that the nonviolent movement in Birmingham seeks justice and reconciliation — not victory.
3) walk and talk in the manner of love, for God is love.
Oct 31, 2020 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
1. If as Pastors we do not teach people to ask honest questions when they have a problem with teachings and their faith, if we teach them to embrace the attitude of "my pastor said it, I believe it and that settles it" even though they have unanswered questions in their hearts. 2. If we deny them the opportunity to be intellectually honest with us when they do have questions about the teachings then we are silencing something in them and we should be ready for the new challenge.
Oct 23, 2020 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
1. In the 60's, in the United States, a group of young men and women under 35years were fed up and wanted a dramatic change in the way things were being done in the polity. They stood up and it ended in the Government having to use force to rein them in. They were disappointed.
2. A mentor of theirs told them you have 3 options, go find a wailing wall feel sorry for yourselves. Two, go psycho and start acting radically and you lose everything or three, learn a lesson. Go home, organise, build political power and be the delegates at next party convention