Patchen Mortimer Profile picture
Content director and writer. DJ at 90.5 WMUC-FM. Freelance tabletop role-playing game author. Not necessarily in that order. (He/him/his)
Jul 28, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
Here's why the MCU—and *only* the MCU—worked:
1) Organic growth thru Avengers. 1 movie at a time. It was only Phase 1 in retrospect.
[Dark Uni blew this]
2) A sketch, not a plan. If 1 movie failed ($ or thematically), the whole structure wouldn't collapse.
[DC blew this]
🧵1 3) A deep wealth of IP that could absorb a variety of cinema genres & directorial styles...
[Potter prequels failed here (+ shitty male leads)]
4) ...Supported by fan culture familiar w/ the source material eager to see their favorite storylines but comfortable with change.
Nov 15, 2021 20 tweets 5 min read
So, not to pick on John, but this take is actually wrong and OP is right. Because something catastrophic *did* happen to Gen X and the Xennial's music: the Telecommunication Act of 1996.

It's story time, kids... 1/ 1991–94 was one of the those rare periods where the critics and the public were in alignment: The music that was Good™ was the music getting airplay. (I'm mostly speaking grunge/alternative, but I believe this was also true of rap thanks to the East/West beef). 2/