Nick Loman Profile picture
Professor of Microbial Genomics and Bioinformatics @unibirmingham, @MRCClimb, Sr. Genomics Adviser @UKHSA, CSO @microbesNG
Aug 13, 2019 18 tweets 25 min read
Today's #longreadclub episode will stream live with @koadman at 11am to ask him about @longastech: who are promising a method to generate long reads using short read platforms, resulting in accurate and single contig de novo assemblies!
First watch:
(1/n) @koadman @longastech Aaron is the CSO and co-founder of Longas Technologies, and an academic bioinformatician at UTS Sydney, who has been responsible for some key bioinformatics software and algorithms, notably Mauve/progressiveMauve and Phylosift. #longreadclub
May 24, 2019 20 tweets 5 min read
.@Scalene introducing the difficulties of long-read metagenomic sample preparation from complex samples: harder to lyse than bags of cytoplasm like E. coli or human cells. #nanoporeconf We've mainly favoured ultra-long libraries with rapid kit, but recently @DrT1973 has developed a bead-free ligation method that can get 100kb+ reads. Started to move to ligation method routinely as good balance of length and yield.