How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App a quick recap on how credit cards make money, see Bits about Money's issue on the topic. this follows any number of corollaries, including: have jokingly phrased this as “Certain forms of writing are sacred. For example, if you write the word Balance Sheet on top of a list of numbers, those numbers become sacred to capitalists, and a lie amongst them is a sin that the gods of capitalism will punish most severely.” now we're standing on the precipice of another revolution in user behavior caused by a technological substrate almost unimaginable earlier: there will be a presumptively authoritative answerer of almost every question, in almost every pocket, and many places besides. stands for “pattern day trading” and the PDT rules were imposed after the Dot Com bubble to decrease risk to both small-dollar retail users and the brokerages that accept their business from day trading. thing you'll often read in narratives of frauds (Lying for Money has several, and it is a rich genre in the bookstore of your choice) is that the fraudsters don't start out, on day one, doing this. does the industry keep stepping on this rake? In part because if *has tried* to get engineers / EMs to sit down with a pack of resumes or LinkedIn profiles and sift through to find the highest priority candidates. wouldn’t think that people would default to believing something ridiculous which can be disproved by typing into a publicly accessible computer program for twenty seconds. is not actually a book, but let’s say there is a very rich subgenre of advice, much of it written by and for very successful people, which says what that book would say, in some cases literally by way of extended D&D metaphors it assumes the audience will grok. never know if BB URLs will work so crossing fingers. Also, subscribe to Money Stuff already.