Last night after work I took my oldest daughter to vote. We arrived just after 8pm and the polls close @ 9pm. Last day of advanced polls. Macgregor, MB
To my surprise I was denied at the head of the line the right to vote.
I tried to explain that Elections Canada already put out a statement that month allowing for mask exemptions for voting.
Had documentation ready on my phone but she refused to look at it. attempts.
Some things that bug me about living in Canada that I would like to see changed in my lifetime.
The fact that only like 9% of all the Country is 'owned' privately by Citizens/Business. But the remainder 90%+ is Crown Land.
Want to homestead and build up that piece of wilderness into a farm/ranch while lowering food prices locally? Smaller carbon footprint by not importing a bonus?
NOPE! We abandoned the Dominion Act (Homesteading) in 1930.