Patrick Collison Profile picture
@Stripe CEO, @ArcInstitute cofounder.
Gary Young Profile picture Ziyun Profile picture Vedran Cvjetkovic Profile picture Eli Tyre Profile picture 𝔽_un Profile picture 11 subscribed
Dec 15, 2021 11 tweets 6 min read
I've long been interested in new ways to organize science and enable curiosity-driven discovery. Today, in partnership with @Stanford, @UCBerkeley, and @UCSF, we're excited to announce Arc Institute, a new undertaking in this vein: Arc is, fundamentally, a nonprofit that will conduct basic research in a somewhat new way. It’s based on three core ideas. First, betting not on projects, but on people. Arc will fund biomedical investigators to pursue whatever research programs they deem most worthy of study.
Sep 29, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Stripe launched 10 years ago today! Still jump out of the bed as enthusiastically as I did at the outset. (Actually somewhat more so -- wasn't really a morning person back then.) Ten years in, it feels like we're just *now* starting to properly internalize the possibilities of the space in which we're operating. The bad news about Stripe is that infrastructure takes a long time to build, but the good news is that the benefits can compound for a long time.
Aug 16, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
In December 2020, we noticed a few findings — some of them from Fast Grants-funded scientists — that led us to be optimistic that fluvoxamine might be an effective Covid-19 treatment. We sent a call for proposals to all of the Fast Grants recipients. Tyler also posted a version of it on MR:….
Dec 15, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Someone I know has had some quite useful COVID-related posts removed from Medium, LinkedIn, and Nextdoor—they've been deemed "COVID misinformation". (It's not what the WHO endorses!) I think his posts overstate the case for the treatment he’s arguing for. They aren’t without justification, however. He has some considerable scientific evidence on his side (including a small RCT).
Mar 14, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Hard to find good stuff online but WWII Committee on Medical Research probably has useful lessons. In very short order, figured out how to scale penicillin production, found better malaria antivirals (including chloroquine!), huge improvements in blood transfusions/replacements… These programs were *fast*. (Just over one year from formation of board to coordinate work on malaria to getting the first therapeutics shipped.)
Apr 30, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
You can now incorporate an LLC with @Stripe Atlas: This has been the #1 feature request since Atlas launched.

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May 31, 2017 8 tweets 2 min read
I've been enjoying reading @rabois's debate with others over past day or two on the importance of hard work. @rabois No snark meant -- it's an important question for all of us, and he's giving voice to a harder-to-argue perspective.