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24. Researcher, Odissi musician. YouTube :
Oct 4, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
In the Tantric schools of Buddhism, a mystical land by the name of Oddiyana or Uddiyana is mentioned. Believed to be the 'land of dakinis' & the homeland of Vajrayana, it is also known as Oda, Odra, Odivisā. Considering everything, it can be safely said that Oddiyana is Odisha. The King Indrabhuti, himself a Mahasiddha, according to Buddhist accounts, was the King of Sambhala in Oddiyana - Sambala-pura (Sambalpur) in Odisha. Unsurprisingly, king Indrabhuti begins his celebrated treatise 'Gyanasiddhi' with a prayer to Jagannatha.
May 7, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Today is Akhyaya Trutiya, the day on which Jagannatha's Chandana Jatra starts. Puri has been terribly ravaged by cyclone. Despite all, the sebayatas will do everything possible. This dedication and resilience is why the Temple has survived hundreds of attacks and calamities. There will be insufficient bhoga, almost none of the decorations, the route might not be clear— but nīti will not be disturbed. The bimānas will be carried to Narendra, the chāpa will be done. If there's one thing I know: Puri never falls back from its duty towards Jagannatha.
May 27, 2018 13 tweets 7 min read
Now that exams are over, I finally have a chance to make a Pattachitra after a long long time. This is Ananta Basudeba, four-handed human representation of Balabhadra worshipped during Anasara. The pen outlining is done. Now for tracing it onto another sheet.