paul gannon Profile picture
Utility cycling & pedestrian rights campaigner.
Jan 21, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
The cabbie blockade of Tottenham Ct Rd is to take place very weekday evening until they succeed in reversing plans to prevent them using the road as a through route (though they will still have access to parts of the road). The first thing to say that after several years ... 1/- of blaming congestion on cyclists, uber, delivery vans, buses, TfL and Camden Council, it is an act of breathtaking hypocrisy to deploy deliberate blockades in the evening rush hour. Those most badly affected will be bus passengers and other motor drivers. The least ... 2/-
Sep 27, 2018 6 tweets 6 min read
@wilfield71 @TheCyclingScot @SusanneLowe17 @JeremyVineOn5 I'm not going to abuse you William, but I will tell you that if you look into the idea of compuslory insurance & registration plates, you'll find that they are totally impractical, expensive & pointless make-work projects whose only purpose would be to please jealous drivers. @wilfield71 @TheCyclingScot @SusanneLowe17 @JeremyVineOn5 Insurance payouts would be so minimal that 99.95% of the premium would go on admin - that's why insurers bundle cyclist 3rd cover for free in house contents cover - cos it costs them nowt. For reg numbers you'd need a bureaucracy the size of the DVLA - enormous cost, no benefit.