Paul Murphy 🏳️‍⚧️ Profile picture
@Pb4P TD for Dublin South West, eco-socialist, part of @risesocialists network in People Before Profit. Regular on @RuptureRadio_ podcast & in @RuptureMag_
Jun 6 22 tweets 3 min read
A long thread of the voting record of Not So Independent Ireland and many of the other fake independents who are actually FF/FG sheep in wolves' clothing.

Please share and make sure your friends don't end up voting for people who will put FF/FG back in power at local level. Less than half of the Independents (10 out of 22) voted against Martin becoming Taoiseach after the last election, allowing the Government to come to power.
Nov 16, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I had the strangest debate last night in Dail with Charlie McConalogue about the almost €50m of public funds given to multi millionaires in horse racing prize money every year.

His response was to say if I went beyond the M50 for anything other than protests, I'd understand. He said this over and over again like it was a great justification of this giveaway of public money to the rich.

He didn't deal with the fact that horse racing gets multiples of funding of all other sports together. He didn't mention gambling addiction once, nor horse welfare.
Oct 31, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Leo Varadkar's statement effectively confirms the core factual allegation of @VillageMagIRE story - that he sent the document to the President of the NAGP.

Behind bluster about defamatory is an assertion that there was nothing wrong about it because info was in public domain. But the document was not in the public domain. A press release about it was in the public domain. That's a very different thing.

Consider the messages between inner sanctum of NAGP. If they thought it was in the public domain, why did they refer to it as "very confidential"?
Oct 31, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Given that @VillageMagIRE magazine is now online, a summary of the central allegation and the law and codes of conduct that Leo Varadkar is alleged to have broken. #LeoTheLeak

Varadkar is accused of leaking the GP contract that was being negotiated between govt and IMO. Allegedly, he sent it to the President of the National Association of GPs (a rival organisation to the IMO) on 2 April, before it being finally concluded and published.

This would have given the NAGP a potential advantage relative to the IMO.