At Herbert Park anti-lockdown demo in Dublin 4 now.
Far more people than the one at the Spire. Reckon there are around 200 here.
Currently singing underway.
May 8, 2020 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Thread: 1/ Seems to be some confusion over the Sisters of Charity announcement today.
To clarify - they have NOT transferred the Maternity Hospital site to the state.
It is being transferred to a new charity called St Vincent’s Holdings CLG. Who/what is CLG? Some info here 👇
2/ The Sisters owned the St Vincent’s Healthcare Group (SVHG).
Under the old deal, SVHG (and the Sisters) would've owned the National Maternity Hospital.
Now, the Sisters will give up ownership of SVHG (and the hospital site) to this new charity, Holdings CLG