Peggy J Profile picture
Teacher. War Canoe puller. Salish Weaver in-training. Dakelh. Lhts'umusyoo. She/Her. #MyMumsAMatriarch #ProfessionalGoozih
Jun 21, 2019 14 tweets 4 min read
Usually i take in stride my genocide. It is truly astonishing but did not reflect that it was NOT normal. i ASSUMED that all folks are attending funerals at the same rate that i do (by extension with my husband @rick_joe_Lilwat) . I wish to share a (typical) moment /1 I was at a GRAD dress rehearsal. I was busy with the planning and the anxiety of cool folks that are worried about getting things awesome. i was asked questions of clarification of which i answered to the best of my ability. It is that time of year for educators /2