Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry Profile picture
Fellow @EPPCdc. Twitter is for jokes and thinking outloud. #JusticePourLola
A. S. Profile picture Controversiae Ecclesiasticae Profile picture Who-Rule-Ain’s Boo Profile picture SteelyRivers🛡 Profile picture Kim Profile picture 13 subscribed
May 7, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
On the whole wokeness/Christianity/religion discourse:
- I think it’s fair to say that liberalism (and wokeness is just liberalism 2.0) started out as a Christian heresy (although I would point out a lot of the original thinkers were self-consciously rebelling against … … Christianity, saw its destruction as their main goal—écraser l’infâme—often harking back to Paganism/Classicism, and would have been offended to have been called Christians Lite (although of course others were indeed Christians Lite a la Jefferson)), but I also think we …
May 7, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
There is clearly a certain class of activists who are trying to turn Jordan Neely into the next George Floyd, and a conspiracy of silence by marginally-more-sane libs in media and institutions has determined not to let the Summer of Love repeat itself. You can say this is "good" I suppose, except that establishment libs are privately aware that what has transpired since 2020 was a dramatic error, but they don’t plan on saying so publicly or doing much to return to the status quo ante.
May 7, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Last time I was in the US every single channel’s morning news show was dedicated to talking about how an old white man gratuitously shot a black teenage scholar for ringing his doorbell. But sure, "Racist Twitter" is the problem. I mean
May 5, 2023 27 tweets 6 min read
Reminder: liberalism is a mental disorder whereby people who act like psychopaths towards people who are close to them maintain their self-image as "good people" by performing over-the-top empathy to strangers. Image See:…
May 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
(Leaked Bill O'Reilly clip) "FUCK YOU! WE'LL DO IT LIVE!"

(Leaked Tucker Carlson clip) "Eric, you are so wonderful, have a good weekend. Thank you Teresa. Oh, thank you Bill, how nice." Being nice to the help is highly triggering to libs. Their brains can’t even process it. To them, it is like a Lovecraftian horror.
May 5, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Jordan Neely was indeed failed by his government. As all parents know, enforcing limits is an act of love, and refusing to endorce limits can be an act of hate. He was on track to die of an overdose in a gutter, to the total indifference of every good soul now feigning outrage. The virtue signalers care nothing for Jordan Neely and men like him. They have no interest in improving their lives, quite the opposite. They are much more useful as an undead militia that terrorizes the people they truly hate, ie normal law abiding citizens.
May 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
A man who plays toy soldiers once in awhile is charming. A man who plays toy soldiers several hours a day is either insane or a loser. Sorry but you know and I know it’s true. The issue is that videogames are designed to be addictive. So I think the right frame is something like alcohol. It's fine to have a drink once in awhile. It's fine to be a connoisseur and a hobbyist and passionate about it!
May 4, 2023 40 tweets 8 min read
Bon, il va falloir que je réponde à ça. Tout d'abord, je tiens à préciser que :
- Visiblement, à la lecture de ses travaux, @FranckRamus est un chercheur honnête qui fait son travail avec rigueur et honnêteté
- Le sujet des HPI est un sujet émotionnellement très chargé en France et il est bon d'essayer d'être apaisé
Apr 21, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Un ministre britannique a été forcé à démissionner pour avoir "harcelé" les hauts fonctionnaires travaillant pour lui, sauf que lorsqu'on regarde le "harcèlement", il se compose de comportements parfaitement normaux dans un environnement de travail à haute pression. C'est important parce que :
1. Si la haute fonction publique non-élue peut pousser à la démission d'un ministre sur la base de violation banales d'un code de comportement ultra-vague, c'est la fin de la démocratie.
2. Cette hypersensibilité va arriver dans la haute fonction ...
Feb 20, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
This is the tell that it’s just racial hatred of white people. Every civilization on Earth had sLavErY but of course if you said that justified the genocide of Arabs, or Bantus, or Chinese, that would be Hitlor. But wypipo? Yes, murdering them all is good ackshually Also imagine writing something as dumb as "the system of slavery" let the masters "treat slaves as property" yes that is the definition of slavery.

And he might also have reflected on the fact that slaves in Saint-Domingue even *had* rights under the law.
Feb 16, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Lycée public aux US, pays ultra-libéral méchant capitaliste, dans l’Indiana, état rural conservateur. À croire que quand on crée beaucoup de richesses et qu’on aime pas les syndicats de fonctionnaires on peut avoir à la fois des services publics de qualité et des impôts bas. 🤷🏻‍♂️ En Indiana, la dépense publique par élève est de $9 193.68. En France 7 950€ *. C’est moins mais la différence n’est pas énorme. Où est la différence ? Très probablement la bureaucratie.
Feb 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Watching one of the Star Trek episodes about how primitive species believe in silly religions with sky fairies. Although of course, in the era of pregnant men, reddit atheism feels quaint and almost nice.
Feb 15, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
What’s interesting is that if they felt they had to go public with this, then—perhaps!—the NYT Slack no longer rules the newsroom. Clearly, there is Something Going On
Feb 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
They’re not even hiding it Samantha Power still gave us the greatest TV clip of all time when she allowed a documentary crew to film her 2016 election party, fully expecting Hillary to win, and her real-time decomposition as Drumpf won swing state after swing state was captured on camera.
Feb 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I sometimes fantasize about Macron being elected and then tearing off the mask. Mandatory minimums, immigration referendum… "What? This stuff is popular!" Doing based things while still pretending to be a centrist. "This stuff polls really well!" "I’m sorry, the Science says lockdowns don’t work"
Feb 11, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
In my experience libs are very good at compartimentalizing My model of the sincere lib is the very nice lady I once spoke to who explained the only possible reason to oppose unlimited third-world immigration is rank bigotry, and two minutes later in the same conversation, noted en passant that she took her kids out of public school…
Feb 10, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Whodunnits, police dramas, etc. have given us the impression, for obvious dramatic reasons, that in most crimes it’s hard to find the culprit or that you have several likely culprits but in reality crime is committed by low IQ impulsive people who don’t cover their tracks well. I have a relative who was a criminal defense attorney, he never had a client who was wrongly accused of a crime, the issues typically had to do with establishing premeditation or other legal issues, but there was never any doubt about the facts of who killed whom.
Feb 10, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
Nothing better reveals the nature of the left than their attitude to crime. Firstly, reflect on the notion that a phrase like "tough on crime" is even controversial. Like, what is the other choice? It's literally called CRIME. How wild is it that "Meh" is even an option! But this is what the left is.
Feb 10, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Amazing story from @eugyppius1. I Frickin Love Actual Science… A few thoughts, in no particular order:

1. Only an autistic male could have obsessed over such an apparently intractable problem, come up with the experiments to answer various questions, narrow down the properties of the pathogen, etc.
Feb 6, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
C'est même très peu, ensuite on s'étonne qu'il y en ait qui vont faire des ménages au Qatar. Ca me permet d'évoquer une de mes marottes : pendant des siècles, il était considéré comme évident qu'une des récompenses d'un service méritoire de l'Etat devait être pécuniaires.
Feb 6, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Au sujet de la militance pour les droits des animaux : vous savez que je pense que le gauchisme est une variante de la pshychopathie. Le gauchiste hait ses proches, et maintient son image de lui-même comme "quelqu'un de bien" par le signalement de vertu exacerbé en faveur ... ... des personnes éloignées de lui (qui ne lui coûte donc rien). C'est ce qu'étaye cette célèbre étude de Nature sur le "cercle moral" des gens de gauche et de droite.…