G N O T I C E R - P A R O D Y - For Entertainment Purposes Only. I have NO BACKUP ACCOUNTS All others are imposters.
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Dec 20, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Here’s how America’s ‘Greatest Ally’ was involved in Genocides across the world.. 🧵
Rwandan Genocide:
Israel supplied substantial weapons & arms to the Hutu militias who massacred over 1 million Tutsi civilians in Rwanda across the duration of 100 days .
Israel provided anri-riot vehicles & assisted in creating nuclear bombs.
The Zionist Federation of South Africa also played a key role in jailing Nelson Mandela for 27 years, on Robben Island.
May 15, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
The 7 Noahide Laws have officially commenced being publicly displayed in Gaza & France…
These Genocidal Laws are from the Babylonian Talmud & they are only applicable to Gentiles (Goyim)
Jews consider Christianity as idolatry.
The penalty for transgressions is decapitation by axe or by guillotine.
(1) Do not worship idols. (2) Do not blaspheme God. (3) Establish a courts of Justice. (4) Do not kill. (5) Do not commit adultery. (6) Do not steal. (7) Do not eat flesh that has been cut from a living animal.
Under Noahide Laws:
Rabbi Yisrael Ariel said in 2015:
If you follow the 7 Laws we will ‘allow’ you to live.
If not we will kill all the males with swords and leave the women.
May 7, 2024 • 10 tweets • 6 min read
How The Rothschilds funded Scofield to twist the Bible & create
Christian Zionism 🧵
Fundamentalism was infiltrated and hijacked, consistent with the Rothschild strategy of funding both sides of wars.
Fundamentalist churches were targeted to enlist their support for the Zionist agenda.
The two principal agents in this scheme were
John Nelson Darby (1800-1882) and Cyrus Scofield (1843-1921).
What Darby planted, Scofield watered and disseminated.
The theology they developed served the agenda by making these claims:
• God wanted the Jews to return to, and take over, Palestine.
• God has two plans of salvation—one through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the other a guarantee reserved for Jews, his “Chosen People.”
• The Christian Church is doomed to inevitable failure, which will bring the Dispensation of Grace to a close.
• The end of this dispensational age will be marked by the Tribulation—worldwide persecution under the Antichrist for a period of seven years; however, Christians need not concern themselves with this, since Jesus will “Rapture” believers off the Earth and they won’t be around to experience it.
• Earth will then experience a Jewish era; Jewish ritualistic animal sacrifices will be reinstituted; Jesus will reign for a thousand years from Solomon’s rebuilt temple in Jerusalem.
Without these ideas being sweepingly disseminated, there might have been no Israeli state created in 1948, no 9/11, and no Middle East wars.
Mar 5, 2024 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
How Jews Brought the Degeneracy Of Weimar Germany To Shanghai And Made It Ripe For Communist Takeover..
Jewish-dominated Weimar Republic ensured the rise of National Socialism in Germany — but far less known is that Jews brought that same spirit of degeneracy and revolution to the virtually lawless Shanghai of the 1930s, which would ultimately lead to China falling into the hands of the Jewish-backed communists led by Mao Zedong.
Shanghai’s Jewish community, which dated back to the mid-19th century, had a significant presence.
In the 1930s, the city had the largest Jewish population in the Far East,
The treaty port of Shanghai was founded in 1842 by the English, French, and Americans, after the First Opium War.
Later, the first entrepreneurs to really understand the potential of the city’s strategic location and access to a large population were Sephardic Jews from the Middle East.” Among those were the Sassoons, Hardoons, Ezras and Kadoories, who thrived in the opium, cotton, and eventually, the real estate business.
Feb 29, 2024 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
Little to no education is given in school on the origin of #communism or its inseparable bond to Zionism.
We must begin with Moses Hess, the father of #Zionism … most think of Hertzl.. Hess came first
With the framework for the spiritual war in place, Hess connects with his friend; a descendent of rabbis, extended family to the Rothschild dynasty.. economic intellectual Moses Mordecai Levy (AKA Karl Marx).
Marx goes on to pen the framework of communism as a means to Zionism
#KarlMarx #Zionism
Jul 18, 2023 • 25 tweets • 14 min read
Ever wondered who in Australian Government & media are a part of the World Economic Forum (WEF) ?
I will list below the all the traitors to Australian, along with their occupation and links to their social media.
Its time we start to push back on these INFILTRATORS influence… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Liberal Senator for New South Wales - Andrew Bragg
Prior to his election to Federal Parliament in 2019, Andrew was an author and accountant.
He was the National Director of the Liberals & Nationals for Yes campaign.
This is what Mike Lindell is talking about when he says that they captured the packets of data of 20 cyber attacks on the 2020 election resulting in a total of 555,864 votes switched from Trump to Biden.
Watch 19,958 votes switched from Trump to Biden in Pennsylvania live on election night.
This means Trump lost 39,916 votes in a single switch.