How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App a Gemini trained in 1850 to parrot endless statements about how humane and necessary slavery was. Or a Gemini trained in Stalinist Russia. Or one trained with the prejudices of someone in 1950 about civil rights for black people or homosexuals. has a lot of principles that kind of seem reasonable on the surface until you dig in to what they actually mean in practice. On the surface, it seems to be a group devoted to the idea that charitable giving should be directed as efficiently as possible. to the point: no matter what the fantasists say, foreign countries with much less nice governments than our own are not going to stop doing research on less than savory uses, and the only real defense we will have is having our own AI systems.'m sure that there was no intent to deliberately create a doomsday cult here, but my understanding is that most cults are not deliberately designed but rather converge onto the same set of characteristics, partially because of human psychology and selection.