Peruvian Bull Profile picture
finance & macro economics. yen disrespectooor. Dollar Endgame Book: $GME #BTC ⚡️
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Aug 4 46 tweets 12 min read
Godzilla Returns

In a desperate bid to save their falling currency, the Japanese have begun hiking rates. USDJPY has begun collapsing, and with it, the carry trade that held up their massive overleveraged economy.

A THREAD 🧵🔥👇Image On July 31st, in a surprise move the Bank of Japan hiked interest rates by 25 basis points, or a quarter of one percent. Markets were expecting only a 10bps increase, so this caught them off guard, along with the hawkish wording of the policy statement from BoJ Governor Ueda. Image
Jun 10 24 tweets 6 min read
GameStop DRS Thread

TL;DR of learnings from Grapevine!

A Powerpoint Presentation! 🧵👇 (1/22) Image @lawsondt @6days1week @Millertime1216a 2/22 Image
Jun 4 15 tweets 5 min read
since @SECGov and other regulators are looking to sue DFV for market manipulation, let me give you some examples of what real manipulation looks like.

A THREAD 🧵 @SECGov Robert Simpson, an investor in Global Links, bought the entire outstanding float (111%!) of the company. he transferred them to cash account in his brokerage. over the next 2 days, 50 million shares traded.

May 6 84 tweets 20 min read
Tokyo Drifting Into A Currency Crisis

The Bank of Japan intervened twice last week as JPY crossed the redline set in September 2022. What lies in store for the Japanese Yen?

A THREAD 🧵👇🔥 Image Last week, the Japanese Yen slid past another crucial threshold, crossing 155 to the dollar and falling even lower during a crucial press conference. For months, I’ve been writing about what I believe is a burgeoning Asian Currency Crisis with Japan at the forefront.
Apr 10 35 tweets 9 min read
The Gold Endgame Begins:

Gold is ripping to new all-time highs, and China could be behind the move. Is the Western gold market manipulation finally reaching its finale?

A THREAD 🧵👇🔥 Image The last few months have seen a record jump in the price of gold. The yellow metal started the year at around $2,061, and in recent months a strong rally has taken place, rocketing it to a fresh high of $2,364 in trading Tuesday morning. Image
Mar 17 31 tweets 8 min read
some tradfi bros like @ConwayYen disagree with a lot of what I say.

since they are intelligent, their points are worth considering.

but they are WRONG!

Time for a thread on $GME, DRS, and the morality of markets. 🧵⚡️👇 @ConwayYen As someone who went to college, got degrees in finance and economics, and went to work in corporate fintech I understand these people.

What the Gamestop Apes say sounds ridiculous.

We were taught that markets are efficient. Regulators are good. Image
Mar 1 37 tweets 9 min read
Shades of 2008?

Warning signs are brewing in the commercial property market, and contagion is already beginning to spread to Europe. Are we seeing the CRE version of the Financial Crisis?

A THREAD 🧵🔥👇Image The commercial real estate market is currently facing a perfect storm. Over the last two years, the impact of stricter financial conditions on the value of commercial properties has been exacerbated by trends like teleworking and e-commerce.
Feb 12 62 tweets 10 min read
CELLAR BOXING: A post made in March 2004 laying out the entire naked shorting scam- how Market Makers profit from destroying companies.

This is how they steal your wealth! $GME $AMC $MMTLP

A THREAD 🧵🔥👇Image "There’s a form of securities fraud known as naked short selling that is becoming very popular and lucrative to the market makers that practice it.Image
Jan 28 55 tweets 15 min read
3 YEARS AGO TODAY, JAN 28th 2021:

Price was going parabolic, and then Robinhood turned off the BUY BUTTON on $GME.

What was revealed would shock the financial world- and the story still isn't over!

A THREAD 🧵🔥👇 Image In September of 2019, a user named u/DeepFuckingValue begins posting on Reddit about a wild YOLO bet he makes using long-dated options and shares on the video game retailer company, Gamestop.

Most thought he was half-crazed: the positions amounted to more than $50k! Image
Jan 23 40 tweets 11 min read
ANOTHER: The controversial anon blogger in 1997 who revealed an astounding gold-for-oil deal hidden in the markets that shaped geopolitics for the last few decades.

A THREAD 🧵⚡️👇Image Goldbugs have for decades claimed that gold prices have been suppressed as part of a central bank war against Libertarians and Keynesians.

An ideological suppression of true money, gold.

ANOTHER offers a different view: Image
Jan 3 31 tweets 7 min read
PowerPoint on Gamestop and DRS-

A THREAD 👇🧵⚡️ (1/31) Image @lawsondt (2/31) Image
Dec 18, 2023 31 tweets 9 min read
Layered Money

The financial system doesn't work how you think it does.

A THREAD 🧵👇⚡️Image In his groundbreaking book, Layered Money, @timevalueofbtc lays out this new framework in monetary science; the existence of different levels of monetary networks to service disparate users with vastly different needs. Image
Nov 29, 2023 46 tweets 10 min read
The Simulacrum: what if our financial markets are an illusion- and the abstraction has overtaken reality?

The Fed has broken the Financial Matrix.

A THREAD 🧵🔥👇 Image Jorge Luis Borges' short story "On Exactitude in Science" (often referred to as "The Map") is a thought-provoking fable that explores the philosophical concept of representation and the limits of human knowledge and understanding. Image
Nov 14, 2023 59 tweets 14 min read

There exists a hidden flaw in the monetary system, deep into the Black Hole... that could spell disaster for fiat currencies.

A THREAD 👇⚡️… Money creation, and by extension QE, is one of the most misunderstood practices in the modern financial system. Although some may claim only banks can create money- the truth is far more complex and nuanced than most would believe.
Oct 30, 2023 71 tweets 15 min read
My Ayahuasca experience: Opening the Door to the Heart of Darkness.

A thread about encountering the Jungian Shadow 👇 Drenched in sweat, I sat uncomfortably in an old taxi making its way up the Colombian foothills. Out the right side window, I could see the Medellin skyline slowly fade into the distance as the jungle vines and trees began to overtake the concrete barriers and powerlines.
Oct 4, 2023 55 tweets 14 min read
The Bank of Amsterdam's collapse signaled the end of the Guilder as a reserve currency.

Could history be repeating itself?

How the first Central Bank Died- A Thread. 🧵🔥👇 Image Hundreds of years ago, the Dutch, who were arguably the first global trade empire, controlled the dominant reserve currency, the guilder.
Sep 15, 2023 32 tweets 9 min read
Warning signals are flashing red in the world’s largest real estate market.

Is China on the brink of another 2008?

a thread 🧵🔥👇 Image Two years ago, news first broke of major issues arising at a large real estate developer in Shenzhen, China. Evergrande, one of the largest asset managers and property developers, was having issues meeting basic payroll and began defaulting on vendor obligations. Image
Aug 28, 2023 40 tweets 12 min read
Argentina Enters the Endgame-

Is the beleaguered South American nation in the early stages of hyperinflation? A THREAD 👇🧵🔥 Image On Monday, August 14th, in a shocking development the Argentine peso collapsed 20% against the dollar after the central bank announced a currency devaluation and a hike in interest rates from 97% to 188%. Image
Aug 21, 2023 37 tweets 13 min read
The Japanese are desperately trying to hold the line against the odds on their plan of Yield Curve Control.

The Bank of Japan is TRAPPED.

A THREAD👇🧵🔥 Image A few short weeks ago, a seminal moment occurred in Japanese monetary policy. On July 28th, the Bank of Japan signaled the beginning of a gradual departure from years of extensive monetary stimulus. Image
Jul 20, 2023 41 tweets 13 min read
The SEC is a criminal organization.

The true story of their epic failure to prosecute the largest fraud of all time: Bernie Madoff.

A Thread 🧵⚡️👇…
Image Madoff entered the finance world in 1960, trading pink sheets for a small group of investors comprised of friends, family, and clients from his father-in-law’s accounting firm.

The number grew above 20, surpassing the accepted amount for not having to file with the SEC.
Jul 14, 2023 36 tweets 12 min read
The United States is entering an exponential debt spiral.

Welcome to the Monetary Event Horizon.

A Thread ⚡️🧵👇 Image A little over a month ago, deja vu struck Congress as they underwent their ritual debt ceiling brinkmanship. Image