Peter Sterne Profile picture
Editor @CityAndStateNY (but my personal opinions are my own). Previously @nysfocus @freedomofpress @politico. He/him. Tips & pitches:
Jul 19, 2024 37 tweets 6 min read
In IG Live, @AOC says she doesn't know what's going to happen with Biden. @AOC @AOC says that she doesn't want to question or attack the motives of people who feel that Biden should step down.
Jul 12, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
About to drop a deep-dive into the most important issue of our age – the internal factional politics of DSA.

But seriously, in light of all the reporting on @DemSocialists withdrawing its @AOC endorsement, it's worth explaining exactly what happened. @DemSocialists @AOC Here's the full story behind DSA's decision to withdraw its endorsement of AOC:…
Jan 14, 2023 23 tweets 6 min read
She's calling in every political favor and spending all her political capital on this nomination, which is opposed by half the Dems in the state Senate, many reproductive rights orgs and most unions. She's turned it into the highest-profile fight since Cuomo's resignation. It makes no political sense to do this. Waging war on Senate Democratic leadership, organized labor, and reproductive rights orgs carries astronomical political risk, while withdrawing the LaSalle nomination carries almost none. So why insist on this fight?
Nov 9, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
@ryangrim Maybe I'm missing something or misinterpreting the results, or maybe it will change once more precincts report votes. But right now, it looks like the Dem candidate in NY-18 (the district Maloney thought was too conservative) is winning 50-48 while Maloney is *losing* 44-53. @ryangrim Looking at county-level returns, I'm reasonably convinced that Maloney's current deficit is the result of a red mirage. (Most of Westchester hasn't reported yet and will overwhelmingly go for Maloney.) So Maloney isn't in as much danger as it first seems.
Aug 18, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Current Affairs editor @NathanJRobinson just posted a very long statement on FB @NathanJRobinson Robinson is responding to this open letter written by Current Affairs' former staffers, who say Robinson forced them to resign after they tried to make Current Affairs into a worker co-op:
Apr 4, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
So @AOC is on Instagram Live assembling furniture while speaking off the cuff about how she believes that she has a moral responsibility to fight for what's right, even if people call her an extremist. "People don't realize Martin Luther King was a democratic socialist." She just gave a socialist critique of late-stage extractive capitalism that values profit over people's health, and then pivoted to tightening hex screws. It's just kind of amazing.
Jun 21, 2018 14 tweets 5 min read
Reality Winner has accepted a plea deal. She was charged with violating the Espionage Act, the draconian 101-year-old law used to prosecute journalists' sources.…

Here's what her mother said about Reality's decision to plead guilty: Winner (allegedly) sent journalists at @theintercept a copy of a classified NSA document showing that Russian hackers tried to access state election systems in 2016.

The Justice Department arrested her & charged her with violating the Espionage Act.…