Paul Ehlers, MD, MS Profile picture
Junior medical toxicology fellow @toxikonchicago. Trained @UCSFDEM ‘22, @WakeForestMed MD '18, @TulaneMedicine MS Pharmacology '13, & @WSUPullman Coug forever!
Mar 14, 2019 16 tweets 5 min read
Sulfa allergy - the second most common I see behind PCNs. Sulfonamides run the gamut from sumatriptan to furosemide to everyone's favorite, sulfamethoxazole (SMX). Is an allergy to one really a contraindication to the rest? My first #tweetorial! @tony_breu @medicalignorome 2/
First, we have to know what a sulfonamide IS. Basically, it's any drug containing the sulfonamide moiety R-SO2-N-R'R". See below for the generic structure.