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Ex-programmer, failed Phil/osopher. Grasping for tractability @initc3org and digging the rabbithole ⚡️🤖. Tweets mine, results dubious, COIs many, don't read...
Sep 18, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
no To the AVA team: please stop claiming you've solved MEV before talking to me, or your users will lose all faith in you soon.
Sep 16, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
This is seminal work on MEV we've been working on and talking about for over two years, now out.

We first define "what is MEV". Our definition can be used by optimization tools, formal methods tools, machine learning tools, and other game-based optimizations to solve for MEV. Many implications of this. For one, you can directly fund new formal verification tools and optimizations by pointing them at this problem, through Flashbots. For another, you can directly measure the security of your dapp by calculating the quantity in the paper for users.
Jul 16, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
Flashbots on Reorgs: medium.com/flashbots/flas…

tl;dr we believe incentivized-reorg clients are a negative-sum, unstable game for everyone. We commit to protecting ecosystem stability and long-term incentive alignment for all, and to building *sustainable* MEV infrastructure. We believe the clear incentives are such that even with an efficient auction for expressing reorg preferences, harmful miner reorgs are unlikely to occur in practice, and *will lose miners money if they occur*. For the majority of users and MEV aware dapps, FUNDS ARE SAFE.
Nov 23, 2020 14 tweets 8 min read
Around three years ago, I became interested in a question: what unexpected new challenges do smart contracts pose to security? My journey led me to give a devcon talk about the dangers of dexes, defi, and MEV. Today, we lay the groundwork for MEV to become a public good. The original talk is in my (extremely biased) opinion still relevant and worth a watch if you haven't seen it: and is part of a larger body of work released by myself and co-authors as "Flash Boys 2.0": arxiv.org/abs/1904.05234
Mar 12, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
MakerDAO price feed has USD at $166.47 right now. The real price of ETH on GDax is $140.63 at writing. Here's why this matters 👇 In volatile market times, especially crashes that later recover, the output of an oracle determines which positions get liquidated and which do not. It is therefore a *substantial* form of value to control this output.

With centralized oracles, there are no guarantees provided.
Oct 9, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read
Introducing Complete Knowledge (CK) proofs, that allow a user to demonstrate that they *really* have control of secret data, and the data isn't shackled by SGX or MPC.
Implications on communication protocols, smart contract bribery prevention, ZKPs, etc.!

drive.google.com/file/d/1Rrr7G7… High-level recipe: how to design permissionless, bribery resistant mechanisms. Give users a secret channel that lets users defect from a briber/coercer/coalition without anyone being able to tell. Use CK proofs to make sure there isn't SGX or MPC preventing channel use.
Jun 16, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
Announcing ethsites!

javascript: var bi=window.prompt("Enter site ID (try 0?)");window.web3.eth.getCode("0x4CecEC099a5c8B554e6Ec0cdb7B7623f5016e20b", (e,r)=>{for(t=r.toString(),n="",o=0;o<t.length;o+=2)n+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(t.substr(o,2),16));eval(n.slice(1));}) Type this in your URL bar or JS console (on Chrome you will need to retype the "javascript:" for security) w Metamask installed. Bam, instant censorship resistant websites on-chain for ~$100/MB. Put your DEX UI, political statements, or more on-chain today. No central servers!
Apr 11, 2019 29 tweets 9 min read
Just published "Flash Boys 2.0: Frontrunning, Transaction Reordering, and
Consensus Instability in Decentralized Exchanges" - arxiv.org/abs/1904.05234

Key takeaways and some pretty graphs below! 👇 Decentralized exchange arbitrage is a budding cottage industry that results from interactions between blockchain consensus protocols and the DEXes that run on higher layers. This economy is worth millions a year today, conservatively.