Phil Gunson Profile picture
Writer/consultant on Venezuela and Latin America. Recovering journalist. @CrisisGroup.🇻🇪🇬🇧
Feb 16, 2024 14 tweets 4 min read
The Maduro govt in #Venezuela has given UN human rights officials 72 hours to leave the country after the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights expressed “deep concern” over the jailing of prominent civil society activist @rociosanmiguel. A 🧵: The office of the UN High Commissioner signed an agreement with Venezuela in September 2019 under which it would assist the government in addressing human rights violations. .…
Oct 23, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
#Venezuela’s opposition voters have spoken: María Corina Machado @MariaCorinaYA, a fierce critic of the Maduro govt and of the current @unidadvenezuela opposition leadership, garnered over 90% of votes in Sunday’s primary election. 🧵 Her triumph is particularly resounding because the turnout was higher than anticipated. More than one in ten potential voters appear to have braved rain and govt intimidation to cast their votes.
Jan 13, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
An already fractious #Venezuela opposition looks even more bitterly divided after exiled leader @leopoldolopez launched an outspoken attack Thursday on fellow members of the #PlataformaUnitaria, calling some of them agents of the @NicolasMaduro govt. The move earlier this month to disband the 'interim presidency' of Lopez' ally @jguaido sparked the row. The 3 main opposition parties decided the largely fictional presidency (once recognised by dozens of countries) had outlived its usefulness.
Nov 22, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
With most results from Sunday’s local and regional elections in #Venezuela in, the overall picture is, as expected, of another sweeping victory for President Maduro and candidates of the PSUV party. But the details hold clues to the likely evolution of Vzln politics. 🧵: 1/ The PSUV’s national vote is substantially down from previous years and collectively the political forces ranged against it - albeit deeply divided - represent a majority. 2/…
May 11, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Once again @jguaido rejects piecemeal agreements with the govt of @NicolasMaduro (including the new #CNE), accusing those involved of "conspiring with the dictatorship" to legitimise "tyranny and loyal opposition". He calls for "greater pressure" on the govt to compel it to agree to a "National Salvation Agreement", in exchange for certain guarantees, including transitional justice.
May 4, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
Today’s appointment of a new electoral authority (CNE) in #Venezuela, with an increased opposition presence, is the strongest hint yet that @NicolasMaduro wants a thaw in relations with Washington. (Thread) 🧵 Formally appointed by the govt-dominated National Assembly, the five-member CNE board (plus 10 reserve members) is actually the result of lengthy private negotiations with factions of the opposition opposed to @jguaido’s all-or-nothing policy.
Oct 26, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
#Venezuela opposition leader @leopoldolopez, who fled the country at the weekend after 18 months holed up in the Spanish ambassador's residence, had insisted he would never go into exile. His departure comes at a low point in opposition fortunes. What will it mean? (Thread) The Spanish government says his decision to leave was "personal and voluntary", but Venezuela's foreign ministry accused the Spanish ambassador of being an "accomplice" to the escape of a "dangerous criminal".
Jul 15, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
Gracias Francisco. Lo que voy a decir no es una defensa de las sanciones. Como sabes, en @CrisisGroup no estamos a favor de las sanciones sectoriales. Tampoco soy economista. Dicho eso, vamos por partes (hilo). No he leido el original de @miguelsantos12 que cita @eduardo_semtei pero aparentemente se refiere al "deterioro generalizado" de #Venezuela. Limitarnos a describir el impacto sobre el PIB, o sobre el petroleo, por lo tanto, no constituye una respuesta adecuada. Pongamos ejemplos: