Phillip Dawson Profile picture
Feedback, cheating, and all things assessment and higher ed. Professor & Co-Director @CRADLEdeakin. Also: improv comedy, bikes, public transport, cats.
Jan 17, 2023 8 tweets 1 min read
A bunch of apps promise to detect ChatGPT. That's great! But before you go uploading student assignments to them, here are a few questions to ask yourself... 1: Do I have the students' permission to upload it? Historically, some students have objected to the use of text-matching tools, and some have even taken legal action against them. It's likely some students will object to ChatGPT 'detectors'
Sep 6, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
For years I've been trying to get any proctoring company to agree to a study where I try to cheat. None have agreed. I've had legal advice not to do such a study without permission from the vendors.
I'm delighted to share that someone else has done one:… "The most important findings were that none of the cheating students were flagged by Proctorio, whereas only one (out of 6) was caught out by an independent check by a human agent. The sensitivity of Proctorio, based on this experience, should therefore be put at very close to 0"
Sep 4, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Can someone, in a single tweet, please define what #ungrading is? Even better if you can state how it’s different to assessment for learning. Huge thanks to everyone who replied here. A helpful and diverse set of responses. The big takeaway for me is that ungrading is as much about the 'why' (the rationale for ungrading) as the 'what' (the specific practices).