kyo, MD (somehow) Profile picture
kyo | 25+| resident pathologist PGY3 | currently finalfantasyxivpilled | my joke of a life drags on
Sep 19, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
i didnt intend to roll out of bed earlier than i wanted to but my friend called asking for help to jump start his car and so i had to get up 😔 funny he didn't ask our mutual friend who also lives in the building bc her car was literally parked in the garage not 6 feet from where his car was trapped unable to start whereas i had to drive Caddy down one garage level to assist
Sep 16, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
i was gonna go to bed but i've decided not to because i must stay up to listen to the undertale 5th anniversary concert it's very important i mean i guess i could keep writing but i'm already 425% of my daily word goal and also i've brute forced my way through the first chunk of this writer's block so i'm feeling that's enough of that
Sep 12, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
im awake: part 2 NA winners final let's go im paying attention i just have nothing to say except This Is High Quality Overwatch

i also have a headache
Sep 12, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
ok match over 7am brain tweet time

the issue with patch changes prior to playoffs isn't that My team is getting screwed but rather Every Team is getting screwed and if you refuse to see that bc "great teams adapt sorry your team sucks" you fail to see the bigger picture twitter is shit for essays, so i'm not going to write one. here's what pushing a big patch through at season playoffs does:
1) undermines your league long narrative building
2) forces teams to adapt, increasing work loads for players and coaches, sometimes to extremes bc esports
Sep 12, 2020 18 tweets 1 min read
wait stop watching retrospective shanghai dragons footage makes me cry seoul dynasty
Sep 12, 2020 24 tweets 2 min read
this alarm is 200% going to fail but we're gonna hope real hard that i dont smack that 'dismiss alarm' button and go back to sleep Image The Alarm Worked
Sep 11, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
aight it's friday we makin banana bread except i dont have a bread pan so it's banana bread but shaped like a cake

it's that or the lasagna pan and we all know which one is a non starter apartment smells like banana bread... i am..... happy.....
Sep 10, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
SHIT I LOST TRACK OF THE DAYS AGAIN LITERALLY UP UNTIL THIS MOMENT I THOUGHT TODAY WAS WEDNESDAY aksdnvlakjenfkjansdf i missed a lecture yesterday bc i thought it was tuesday im actually losing my mind rn
Sep 9, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
sitting in a lecture abt covid from a public health perspective and hearing the public health doc say we were on track in his specific region for containment until the united states unraveled around us hits kinda different also tfw the public health doc say "NO" when sby asks if a person can break the 14 day quarantine if they test negative, bc the test is only useful for the day of the test and not every day after in the quarantine period which is meant to account for the incubation period
Sep 6, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
oh no paris v washington can both teams win is that possible im gonna be pre-emptively sad so i can soak in this match and enjoy it by the end
Aug 25, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
i haven't written in a billion years, but im trying to now and now i remember why i haven't written in a billion years what if i write a cute shipping story about loyalty to person over ingrained traditional expectation of loyalty to kingdom

*writes a 8 000 word play by play of an act of disownment that definitely will play a role in this somehow
Aug 5, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
trying not to think about Crests in fe3h and what decisions noble houses make to arrange marriages which may or may not inevitably lead to inbreeding hey so anyway haha how is house reigan an offshoot of house blaiddyd like what happened to make two separate bloodlines uh

merge and then


and what does this imply for like

the coupling habits over 1000 years of a limited number of crested noble houses
Aug 5, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
I think it's interesting that in AM they make a point of showing Claude goes to pains to evacuate Derdriu in the face of imminent attack but Edelgard does not do the same for Enbarr when she's backed into a similar corner in any other route where she's on the brink of defeat And then compare that to Rhea in CF where she basically shuts the citizens of Fhirdiad in their homes then torches the city to bring them all down with her
Aug 2, 2020 9 tweets 1 min read
playing the bl3 bounty of blood dlc now and ive only known rose for like 3 minutes but if anything happens to her ill kill everyone on this moon and then myself also whoever went "what if we combined samurai aesthetic with cowboy aesthetic and also add dinosaurs and then let's make it a western themed dlc" that person deserves a pay raise
Jul 28, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
ok i always knew aymr was a fake relic weapon bc rhea is.. alive... but i honestly had no idea How Fake the game was trying tell me it was being seiros crest linked, but actually having the crest stone of the beast and needing to be repaired with agarthium instead of umbral steel in my defence im notoriously weapons/ore/money thrifty in fire emblem despite having like a million gold per run in fe3h where i can theoretically afford Everything I Could Ever Want so i've never.. had to repair aymr bc i only use it in the final two battles
Jul 26, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
*takes a deep breath* I....!!! HATE!!!!... COLOURING!!!! *breaks down and starts sobbing uncontrollably Image i wanted to play shooty shooty bideo game today but apparently it's fe3h borthfday so my brain said i had to put some work into the shit i drew seven months ago and never finished so no bang bang miss reload allowed
Jul 22, 2020 18 tweets 4 min read
wait i can't stop thinking about this paralogue in CF, what if... Holst Goneril really tried to orchestrate the deaths of Edelgard and her black eagle strike force at Fodlan's throat at the hands of the Almyrans after she subjugated Derdriu like, the way it's written in CF, from the empire's point of view, there's no reason for the empire to question the setup: to them it's just "known" Almyrans attack when they feel like it, and they don't /know/ Holst so maybe he really is dumb enough to poison himself on shrooms
Jul 18, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
i don't understand why dimitri's unique lord class isn't a mounted unit. It would really make the 3 lords stand apart from each other as units beyond how they already do as characters, otherwise he just has the feel of a slightly more nimble, angrier, wrecking-ball-like edelgard the game throws so many plot points that dimitri enjoys horseback riding, it's his hidden talent, and he specifically mentions he feels closer to his father when he requests changing his goals to add riding i don't understand why they didn't just lean more into it
Jul 6, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
alright so im testing the feel of my new setup before i draw more by colouring this old thing i intend to never finish and gotta say, hard to draw bc i keep having to crane up head up to look at the monitor bc of my desk but i'll live i guess Image maybe ill lean back to draw and colour
Jul 6, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I think part of the reason i keep playing fe3h is because i genuinely have a problematically short attention span like i do not absorb all the details in a single run bc i chronically multitask, skim read text, and button mash so each run i genuinely learn something new Ive played fe3h 8.5 times through now and i still don't know half the quest briefings because i dont read when i take quests!! No i don't know why Seteth wants me to talk to this specific student in this specific area but by god i have done it 8 times now!!!
Jul 5, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
ok so the files are THEORETICALLY intact but i cant check bc my computer won't open Sai so i might have to pull my old laptop (that i've retired twice already lmfao) out of retirement to check. So im just gonna try to backup everything and pray we can move on from this Update: good news, files are intact, i saved everything in an external (thanks dad) and i transferred the art folder to a pc which, with a working sai program, confirmed my files are unscathed for the most part