Stephen | DeFi Dojo Profile picture
"The Calculator Guy" Founder of DeFi Dojo Co-Founder of DeFine Logic Labs "A truffle sniffer, but for yields."
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Jun 28 11 tweets 7 min read
Ultimate Arbitrum LTIPP Yield Almanac

@arbitrum LTIPP grants total around $30M and most programs run until September.

Here are the yields I'm actively looking at 🧵Image @FactorDAO

Most of the boosted strategies are LRT @SiloFinance leveraging strategies or LRT @Penpiexyz_io LP strategies.

The yields range from 65% to 165% BUT Factor is relatively low TVL, so do be mindful of dilution and SC risks.

Yields: 65%-165%
TVL in Vaults: <$2MImage
Jun 17 13 tweets 6 min read
Nine years ago, sitting in a hotel room in Budapest, my girlfriend of just a couple weeks found out she was pregnant.

I was twenty-three and had just begun traveling the world. I hardly knew her and she hardly knew me. Image The night before, we were supposed to go out on a true European bender with a friend from my college days.

At the time, we were working in Saudi Arabia -- no real access to alcohol or any other party favors.

So you can imagine I was excited, as was my girlfriend, to do some serious drinking et al.

However, we never made it.
May 3 5 tweets 5 min read
Why I'm so bullish on Christianity:

First, I compared secular / non-secular market data.

Virtually all major indicators showing the Long Religion/Short Secular pair trade as one of the best this century:

1. +4% single-year ROI in mental health gains for weekly churchgoers vs -13% decline for non-churchgoers.

2. Highly religious traditional marriages sill best play in long term satisfaction market.

3. The young flourishing demographic biased "very religious".
This indicates adult bullish-flourishing correlation.Image
Once I knew I wanted to go long "religious," I compared religions.

For this, I was mostly thesis-driven.

Buddhist thesis is short attachments, assuming they're the cause of suffering.

I've seen this thesis play out on New-Age maximalists, and almost all of them actually saw growth in suffering YOY when longing Buddhism.
Also, I had a bias for western thesis suggesting suffering was directly correlated with proximity to the divine as a function of sin-debt, not attachment itself.

I decided to "go with what you know" and research the Abrahamic market.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam had similar fundamentals, but dramatically differed on CAS (Christ-As-Savior).

In the past, Virtue Ethics was one of my best performers by being long beta on Eudaimonia (human flourishing resulting from virtuous action); so the Jewish and Islamic idea of good works being the foundation of salvation appealed to me.

However, Judaism was supposed to have a massive launch of Messiah, and Islam and Christianity already had a Messiah launch -- so I decided to look at the launch details.

Judaism's Messiah is set to be a massive failure by its own investors, which wasn't particularly bullish.

However, he would die for our transgressions, which is a great swapping mechanism (I'm perma-short transgressions), so I was pretty bullish Judaism again:

But then I looked into Islam's messiah, which turns out was Isa (Esau, I.E. "Jesus") which I know Christians are max-long on.

(Quran 43:57-64)Image
Jul 26, 2023 17 tweets 6 min read
The arbitrage thread.

How kings are made. Image Arbitrage is the trading of mispriced things


Imagine you buy pencils from Jim in Math class for $0.10

However, you can sell them to Frank in English class for $0.15

By buying from Jim and selling to Frank, you're arbitraging the price inefficiency between the two classes. Image
Jul 7, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Let's talk about $PENDLE.

• Up 1,891% this year
• Up 71% in the past month
• Many upcoming tailwinds

But I'm not a trader. I'm a farmer.

So what can I do with @pendle_fi's asset?

That's the question that haunts me. First, Tailwinds:

• Coming to BSC
• Coming to OP
• Over three Liquid Lockers
• 25% of Circulating Supply Locked
• Hyper-Competitive Yields on ETH LSTs
• Rate Swapping is a >$4.5tn industry in tradfi
May 12, 2023 7 tweets 5 min read
It's been a slow, down-only week in DeFi.

Here are some fun delta neutral plays to protect your capital while we wait for smoother seas. Image $pNEAR

Platforms: @LinearProtocol, @MEXC_Global
1) Long/Short on MexC
2) Send NEAR to Near Wallet
3) Bond on for 77% APR

Total APR: 62.5% (2x Levered Short)

Note: You can also LP pNEAR-NEAR for 80% APR. Image
Apr 25, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
I've been training my whole life for this moment.

Delta Neutral Ponzi Season.

Let's talk about @RektARB. Image Similar to my post on $AIDOGE, this strategy:

• Avoids all buy/sell/swap fees
• Is considerably degen
• Utilized @MEXC_Global to neutralize delta

Mar 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Okay okay, last time I'll promote @MEXC_Global.

But they literally allow you to 20X leverage USDC against USDT.

And the current funding rate is 200% APR.

Affiliate Link:

Let's talk about a few strategies. 1. Neutral Play: Cash and Carry

Buy USDC spot on Arbitrum
Short same value on MexC

Annualized Yield @ 4x Leverage: 156% Image
Feb 28, 2023 19 tweets 7 min read
Radiant v2 sacrifices Leveragers to save Lockers

How will this effect Radiant's value proposition?

A @RDNTCapital v2 Megathread

Major Changes
• Dynamic Liquidity Requirements
• Major Fee Distribution Changes
• Impact on Loopers
• RDNT's Omnichain Fungibility

Let's dig in Image v1 Problems According to Radiant:

►Unsustainable & inflationary emissions
►Insufficient runway
►Low incentive to provide on-chain liquidity
►Exit penalties were sub-optimal
►Fixed unlock periods create unnecessary FUD
►Mercenary capital is incentivized

In their own words: Image
Feb 28, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
You can get 41% on stablecoins on @ApolloX_Finance.

Let's do a mini-dive into the $ALP counter-party vault and the estimated yields and risks.

TVL w/o Staking: $26M
TVL w/ Staking: $43M
Chains: BSC, Arb, ETH
Audits: Yes, Manually Reviewed ImageImage ApolloX is a perpetual exchange primarily on Binance Smart Chain.

I've used it to short BSC and ETH because the funding rates history is accessible, and they're often pretty favorable for shorts.

Check out their historical funding rates here:… Image
Feb 25, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I want to create a protocol where you can farm volatile liquidity pools with zero delta exposure.

Partially because I want it to exist.
Mostly because people say it can't be done.

Here's why I think it's possible, and how it might work. 1. Create a proprietary dex.

This will be the backbone of the protocol. Make a solidly fork for all I care. This will provide the swapping, liquidity provision and the unique farming.
Feb 17, 2023 11 tweets 6 min read
$GLP has become a Defi staple for allowing you to earn yields from trader losses.

But what if you wanted to diversity your bets against traders?

Let's "become the house" and take a look at some of the lesser-known counter-party vaults in defi. Image @ApolloX_Finance: $ALP

Protocol Type: Perp Dex
Vault Type: Stablecoin Index
Yield: 34%
Yield Denomination: APX
Chain(s): ETH / BSC / ARB
mCap: 22M ImageImage
Jan 25, 2023 14 tweets 7 min read
Let's talk🍞

These bots made 291% ROI in the past 208 days.

In a bear market.

And yes, the trades are verifiable.

Video Breakdown:

(I even made a calculator)

Thread 👇 Image @BreadBytes_ hosts three bots.

• Cinnamon Toast (ETH DCA)
• Short Bread (ETH Long/Short)
• French Toast (BTC DCA)

Cinnamon Toast is //by far// their most popular.

In past 208 days, it's had a base return of 58% ROI.

So where does the 291% come from? Image
Jan 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Want to save your family $3000 per year?


Get a real water filter. Let's do the math.

Yes, I made a spreadsheet. This get's me heated. The average person drinks 182.5 gallons of water per year.

Here's a cheap 24 pack bottled water.

It costs $17 for 3.17 gallons.

That's $980 yearly per person for gross tap water.

Made by a company that thinks water isn't a human right.
Dec 28, 2022 17 tweets 8 min read
It's been a year.

If you're still here, you've been through some shit.

Let's reflect on what we've learned to remind ourselves what to avoid for 2023. 1/


How to spot a ponzi:

1) Prior investors rely on new investors to ROI
2) The investment is paid in itself (stake X, yield X)
3) You have to lock up or burn your initial investment
4) The protocol is a tokenomic gimmick


OHM Forks
Node Forks
TOMB Forks
Dec 23, 2022 16 tweets 9 min read
Want to earn up to 20% yield on USDC?

Try this medium-risk strategy.

It involves minimal smart contract risks but can be a pain in the arse to unwind.

Let's dive in. Here's how it works:

First, collateralize USDC on @AaveAave.

USDC has a collateral factor of 80%, meaning you can borrow up to 80% LTV against it.

This alone currently yields 1.84%.
Dec 23, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
Want to earn up to 20% yield on USDC?

Try this medium-risk strategy.

It involves minimal smart contract risks but can be a pain in the arse to unwind.

Let's dive in. Here's how it works:

First, collateralize USDC on @AaveAave.

USDC has a collateral factor of 80%, meaning you can borrow up to 80% LTV against it.

This alone currently yields 1.84%.
Dec 20, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
If KuCoin stays alive until March, you can make a 20% return on $ETH.

This opportunity depends on three things:

@kucoincom's solvency
‣ $ETH's Shanghai Upgrade
‣ Pool-X's redemption mechanism

Let's dive in 🏊‍♀️ ETH2 is Pool-X's ETH Liquid-Staked-Derivative (LSD).

After FTX, ETH2 went from 0.93 ETH to 0.64 ETH.

It recovered to 0.84 before @otteroooo posted a thread on KuCoin's potential insolvency.

Read More:

It's since recovered back to 0.8 ETH (20% discount)
Dec 13, 2022 10 tweets 7 min read
There are rumors that people are going long.

So here are the 7 of my favorite BTC and ETH yields.

🧵👇 1: jpeg'd ETH (@JPEGd_69)

pETH-ETH : $10.5M Total Liquidity

pETH is a CDP minted against NFTs.

pETH-ETH LP on @ConvexFinance: 31% vAPR

pETH-ETH LP on @beefyfinance: 33% APY

Note: pETH is currently slightly over peg (see image)
Dec 11, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
I remember last holiday season my brother-in-law, a warm-hearted Cornell-educated man, told me the unvaccinated shouldn't be allowed to use hospitals.

I'll never forget that.

Him, looking me in the eyes and telling me my family was undeserving of emergency healthcare services. Two years ago, I was fired for requesting exemption for the vaccine.

I agreed to test twice weekly, wear a mask, & eat in my office.

Note: This boarding school allowed unvaccinated students to live, dine, & take trips to NYC together.

Text from my dept. head 👇
Dec 2, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
It's no secret that I like funding rate arbitrage.

But it can be complicated.

Here's a tool to find the opportunities for you.

E.g. 682% Delta Neutral on SOL for the past 25 days First, shout out to R33Y in the DeFi Dojo for integrating exchanges APIs and standardizing the data.

He's the real MVP here.

I just did the functions and made it look pretty.