NOW, the points yield won't be realized until June and the rEUL has a vesting mechanism.
But let's look at a few variations of the math...
Feb 19 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Does @solana seriously have real restaking APR before @ethereum?
@RenzoProtocol's $ezSOL is getting +3.65% in RESTAKING APR from @jito_sol TipRouter rewards.
This means the ezSOL<>jitoSOL loop on @KaminoFinance is getting over 55% APY.
Here's the math 🧵👇
FIRST, Collateral Yields
► 8.53% Staking APR
► 3.5% TipRouter NCN APR
(NCN = Solana's version of AVS)
► 1.26% REZ Emissions APR on Kamino
TOTAL: 13.29%
Feb 13 • 18 tweets • 8 min read
Once again, I've been summoned out of the depths of the yield trenches to share our most valuable secrets.
👑The Definitive Greatest Current ETH Yields👑
a thread🧵
First, let's look at non-leveraged options that can handle $13.5M (5,000 ETH).
Surprisingly, there are a few options👇
Jan 31 • 21 tweets • 8 min read
I've been called to arms.
Here, friends, are the best stablecoin yield opportunities in all of DeFi🧵👇
The hurdle rate for stablecoin yield farmers working with 7 figures or below should be 20% APR.
Anything below that and you're leaving money on the table.
So, I will not include anything that I don't think has SOME level of scalability nor anything under my 20% hurdle.
Jan 30 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Alright FINE.
Here's how I'm getting 207% on my $JLP without leverage or impermanent loss.
Short answer:
LPing on @RateX_Dex
Long answer:
Using concentrated liquidity on Rate-X between two IYs (implied yield rates) that I believe the IY will bounce between during the duration of this market.
Range: 25% to 35%.
Jan 29 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
As of now, @reservoir_xyz has the third largest pre-deposit (not pre-pre-deposit) Boyco position on @berachain.
It's currently getting some pretty wild points:
► 2.69x Boyco multiplier
► 3x Reservoir multiplier
► Share of @KodiakFi incentives
My estimation: 50%–300% APR👇
Firstly, to participate, YOU MUST DEPOSIT BEFORE FEB 3RD.
Hearing Boyco will launch within the next 42 hours.
If that's true, buying YTs now and flipping for PTs after the launch could be a genius play.
Here's my thesis🧵👇
Boyco YT are undervalued because of the opportunity cost of holding them without earning points.
Once berachain deposits are live and Boyco pre-deposit vaults are earning points, this discount will close, sending YTs up in value and presenting a great entry to PTs.
Jan 27 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
I finally leveraged up some JLP on Kamino
I even bought some JLP YT perps on RateX, expecting a 420% ROI by expiry.
Here's my brief rationale🧵👇
JLP is my favorite Solana asset, that's no secret. I've said it many times.
It has muted volatility while benefiting from both volatility and volume, things Solana excels at.
It also has ~67% long exposure, despite its muted delta; so you also have substantial market upside.
Jan 22 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
Sonic will airdrop 200M S to users.
That's currently $120M.
🚨This'll likely be distributed over just one year🚨
Let's do some speculation mathing/maxxing 🧶👇
@SonicLabs currently has ~$202M in TVL.
Almost all of that TVL is in @beets_fi, @SiloFinance,@wagmicom, and @avalonfinance_.
THIS MEANS, the incentives package is currently equal to 60% of the total qualifying capital onchain.
Jan 15 • 16 tweets • 8 min read
I spend so much time looking for yields that I dream in annualized percentages.
Top MUST SEE Yields For Bluechips 🧵👇1) @berachain goes wild on @pendle_fi
Berachain pre-deposit BOYCO vaults have made their way to Pendle and are leading the fixed-rate / fixed date return pack:
► Stables: 28%
► ETH: 16%
► BTC: 14%
And SOON some of these should come to @eulerfinance, @MorphoLabs, or even @zerolendxyz
AND...AND...I think there's a chance we see leverageable PTs in the not-too-distant future. But who knows, a man can dream.
Jan 5 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
Best ETH Yields: 2025 Edition
To be competitive, the yield must currently or consistently be >20% APR and also scale with size.
Let's dive in🧵👇1. The OG: $wstETH Loop
This is arguably the most historically popular competitive and scalable ETH yield.
It typically ranges from 8% to 30% APR even in the depths of the bear market.
It works by leveraging the staking yield of ETH (~3%) against the cost to borrow ETH (~2%).
Three of the best places to do this: 1) @MorphoLabs 2) @aave 3) @growcompound 4) @eulerfinance
The current sizeable APRs for this strategy range from 26% to 46% (assuming you fully vest $rEUL rewards).
And, of course, you can auto-leverage these positions with @Contango_xyz to generate TANGO points, OP emissions, etc.
Jan 1 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
🚨Tomorrow, @protocol_fx V2 launches🚨
This will allow you to leverage your ETH, BTC, and other bluechips without funding rates or interest rates.
Here's an ELI5 breakdown of how it works🧵👇
Here's what happens when a user opens a leveraged position.
Let's use a 2x ETH position as example:
1) The additional ETH required is borrowed using a flashloan.
2) At the same time, the value of the borrowed ETH is minted as fxUSD
3) Your principal mints your xPOSITION
Dec 23, 2024 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
I checked out the @ResolvLabs market on @eulerfinance because of the high (57% organic) lending APR on USDC.
Usually, a high lending APR is because either there are incentives flowing, or it's thin and totally utilized liquidity.
Here, it's neither.
The liquidity is surprisingly deep (>$10M).
But it is nearly fully utilized (97.05%).
Which made me question ...why?
Dec 13, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Weekly @ethena_labs APR Update
☙ 21.2% APR ❧
► Brought in >20M USDe
► 3.2M transferred to Reserve Fund
► 17.88M transferred to Staking Yield Distributor
► 85.44% APR leveraged on @MorphoLabs
► Use @Contango_xyz to auto-leverage
The Reserve Fund
This distribution period, 3,191,713 USDe was transferred into the Reserve Fund.
This is the first time in 133 days Ethena has transferred money into the reserve fund.
The reserve fund "acts as an additional margin of safety behind USDe to provide a source of capital to pay for periods of negative funding"
It's mostly comprised of $BUIDL and Uni V3 positions.
The average staker on @Contango_xyz is getting around 403% APR at current volume numbers.
Mini Explainer (w/ some alpha) 🧵👇
First, the basics.
• $TANGO generates fee revenue
• 100% of that fee revenue goes to stakers
• ~85% of volume comes from correlated pairs
• ~15 of volume comes from directional trading
• Correlated pairs have a 0.05% fee on the notional
• Directional trading has a 0.25% fee on the notional
• Contango consistently has ~100M in weekly volume
That means Contango would generate about $4.2M in fees annually.
Nov 5, 2024 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
Fluid (@0xfluid) figured out how to turn $1 of liquidity in $39 of liquidity.
I have no affiliation with Fluid, but I love DeFi innovation, so let me try to explain how this works.
The Absolute Basics
Fluid is a fancy borrowing and lending platform.
It now has "Smart Collateral" and "Smart Debt."
These turn collateral and debt into liquidity.
Oct 24, 2024 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
LRT² ($LRT2) fixes everything.
• Stops ~40% of $EIGEN sell pressure
• Prevents AVS tokens from being auto-sold by LRTs
• Value aligns all modularity participants
• Acts as a Modularity Narrative Index (MNI)
• Creates arbitrage opportunities for defi nerds
• Also, there's going to be an airdrop
This asset will change the way we think about emissions.
It desperately needs an explainer, so let's dive in 🧵👇
What is LRT² (Ticker: $LRT2)?