Piers Forster Profile picture
Climate scientist. Director @PriestleyCentre; IPCC Author; interim Chair @theCCCuk. Protect a tree @UBoCarbon;https://t.co/77yYh1nKTa
Jun 8, 2023 5 tweets 5 min read
Our climate indicator paper is out, showing unprecedented rate of global warming -over 0.2°C per decade, with maximum land temps rising faster still. essd.copernicus.org/articles/15/22… Carbon budget remaining to keep below 1.5°C has halved in last three years, nicely covered by @CamillaHodgson and @sdbernard in the FT ft.com/content/5ef313…
Nov 7, 2021 13 tweets 8 min read
On @COP26 rest day time to reflect on where we are with the science. First up, #methanepledge. @BBCMoreOrLess fact check needed: Would it save up 0.2C of warming, has methane caused half of global warming to date, is it 84x worse than CO2? bbc.co.uk/news/world-591… 1. Half of global warming? Half right. It's (0.5C) roughly half of NET warming, but misleading as really its 1/3 of GHG warming, and the total GHG warming contribution is countered by aerosol cooling. @IPCC_CH AR6 Fig SPM2
Dec 2, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
Do latest climate model results mean that warming is worse than we thought? @NatureClimate comment. See thread nature.com/articles/s4155… Climate models at the time of last @IPCC_CH report
Oct 8, 2018 22 tweets 18 min read
Too lazy to read our 30 page Summary For Policy Makers and report? Well here it is in tweets @IPCC_CH (1/n) where n is likely greater than 10 and less than 30 - now trying to thread them together - #twitterincompetence : real thing is here ipcc.ch/report/sr15/ A1. At 1.0°C global warming already on course to pass 1.5°C in ~2040. #SR15 #IPCC30 @IPCC_CH (2/n)