Follower of Christ, indie game designer, and writer.
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Dec 13, 2024 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
Games are systems of incentives.
Understanding that is crucial to creating profitable games.
You can study the underlying system of incentives of successful games and package them differently to reach other niches.
Let me show you how in today's #gamedesign thread 🧵
I'm going to use the same example I did in my First Line to First Dollar course(link to the course in the thread's final post).
In Mega Man, game designer Keiji Inafune uses a simple mechanism to reward players for not mashing the shoot button as in other Jump'n'Shooters
Nov 28, 2024 • 24 tweets • 4 min read
Dopamine is not the problem, it never was. In fact, it's the solution.
The issue is: we make a very bad use of it
This is a psychology/neuroscience thread, but totally related to #gamedesign. A thread about DOOM SCROLLING
First of all, you need to understand homeostasis and allostasis.
Homeostasis is when your metabolism doesn't present any perceptive malfunction, so you are comfortable as you are.
Allostasis is what you do when your metabolism is dysfunctional to bring it back to homeostasis.
Nov 18, 2024 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
The core loop is the heart of a game.
It’s the main cycle of actions that keeps players engaged in the game.
In today’s #gamedesign thread: how to design a core loop that works? Let’s explore the essentials in this thread! 🧵👇
The core loop is the set of actions that players MUST repeat continuously to progress in a game. It consists of action, reward, and progression.
For example, in 4X games, the loop is: Gather resources > Build > Expand. It’s the engine driving the gameplay experience.
Oct 22, 2024 • 20 tweets • 6 min read
Squeeze and Release is a fundamental technique game designers use to keep players engaged and in this #gamedesign thread I'll show you how you can use it to create addictive games!
In the previous thread, I explained why pleasure is important and how our brain releases pleasure based on stress. Which is the core of the Squeeze and Release principle.
Players are a forever-hungry entity looking for pleasure and satisfaction. Actually, every human being is and there's a special reason for that. A #gamedesign thread 🧵
There's a psychological theory called Predictive Brain, or Predictive Coding based on Helmholtz's Unconcious Inference theory.
Essentially, our brain constantly simulates the future based on sensory data it gathers and stores in memory.
Sep 30, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Months ago members from the #GodotEngine community reached out to me looking for a "safe place" to relate with other members of the community.
They complained that they were getting banned from ridiculous things like saying "guys"(which is supposedly not gender neutral).
Everyone that follows me knows I can't care less about anyone's gender/sexual orientation or any queer-ish choice.
But note that this shouldn't give people the right to anything. Queer people have been consistently vengeful and persecuting "non-queer" people.
Aug 8, 2022 • 18 tweets • 5 min read
So, I used @machinationsio to design a diagram about what I think happens in the brain, based on some neuroscience, that causes the feeling of frustration.
🧵explaining the system 👇
It all starts with an imbalance in any given system, for instance, it could be a deficit in oxytocin. This is known as allostasis, which fires the production of dopamine so we can seek ways to fulfill this desire and reach homeostasis again.
Sep 9, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Thread sobre meu ódio de tipagem estática. Contexto: no mesmo dia eu perdi cerca de 2h de produção por problemas causados pela minha inexperiência proposital com tipagem estática.
Vamo lá.
Tipagem estática causa muitos problemas do ponto do vista de produção.
Última thread do dia, pra fechar. Vamos falar de formas de empreender com conteúdo intelectual, essa foi a maior dúvida que eu vi, então vou tentar listar algumas sugestões, e exemplos.
Tente monetizar o processo, não o produto: Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Patreon, entre outros.