🧵There is a debate coming— we’ve circled it before, but never really engaged it. But Trump’s early EO’s on “freezing” budget lines, and the methodical work being done by “DOGE,” will make the debate inevitable.
It is a debate on what size government we want, and will pay for.
Dems (and, let’s face it, way too many Republicans) want a gargantuan federal government that touches all aspects of our lives, and costs $7 trillion per year.
Even citizens who want “lower taxes” lose their sh#% if their favorite government program is touched.
So, what next?
Dec 21, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
🧵I have spent the better part of the evening slogging through the Colorado Trump decision. I’ll link to it in this thread. I urge anyone interested to read all of it. But if you have limited time or patience, Justice Carlos Samour’s dissent (starts at p146). It is brilliant.
Justice Samour is a “balls and strikes” guy, but is a Democrat, and politically likely on the liberal end (though he keeps it out of the courtroom admirably). His ability to distill the history and jurisprudence of paragraph 3, Amend. 14, is encyclopedic.
Jun 17, 2023 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
🧵 You have seen much written about the Trump federal indictment. But most of what I have seen about it has been so fraught with bias (on both sides) it is easy to lose sight of the basics. So? Here are the facts.
Counts 1-31 of the Indictment are for “willfully retaining” docs.
Those charges are under the Espionage Act, 18 USC 793 (e), which makes it a crime to “willfully retain” classified documents after request for return. To avoid prosecution, all he would have had to do is give back the documents when asked for them. He admittedly did not.
Jun 6, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
While we continue to oppose “trans” extremists seeking to use a social issue as a wedge to split and destroy the Republic, let’s keep in mind what we are fighting, and what we are not.
We are fighting an extremist cadre that uses our inherent sense of fairness against us.
They promote “drag” shows for children, or sexually explicit books in school libraries, not to “help” children, but to disrupt conventional society and dis-equilibrate the vast majority who see this as culturally destructive.
The destruction is the reason they do it.
Jun 6, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
🧵 A D-Day Story:
On January 6, 1944, the Allied re-taking of the continent began. American, Canadian, British, and Free French forces all participated in what General Eisenhower called “The Great Crusade.” It would turn out to be the beginning of the end of WW II in Europe.
Among those forces was a small commando unit, 4 Commandos, “Lovat’s Scouts”, after their commanding officer, the 15th Lord Lovat, Simon Fraser. In 1941, Lovat recruited a 19-year-old member of the Cameron Highlanders, Bill Millin, to join the unit as his personal piper.
Nov 3, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
🧵 Of all the angry, dark, tropes Pres. Biden trotted out last night, the most corrosive, was his “Democracy is on the Ballot!” (TM) canard. Of course, he’s wrong. It isn’t. Never is, really. What are on the ballot are individual candidates, in individual races. But it’s worse…
The thrust of the speech, once you heard behind the Aaron Sorkin-esque fluffery, took the tone of a Mafia capo dropping into the corner restaurant. It was obvious: “Nice restaurant ya got here, pal. Shame if somethin’ were to happen to it.”
They have nothing else but threats.
Nov 2, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
🧵Public ed nationwide is struggling with declining enrollments, as parents who can afford to are choosing private school, home school, etc. the bloated administration bureaucracy at these schools wonder why.
It is because they lost their way. They have forgotten their “why.”
We’ve discussed this on my tiny little feed before. Schools have forgotten how to teach math, science, language arts, foreign language, civics… but seem to have bottomless budgets and hours of class time for “social justice” indoctrination instead. Time to change that.
Oct 31, 2022 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
🧵”What is the 48 Hour Rule, Piper?” you say? Well, you’re seeing it being played out before your eyes in the Pelosi home incident.
Some stories take even longer than 48 hours to coalesce; this is one. But the idea is that hot takes are usually wrong. We still know little.
That is why I urge people who wish to be serious about events to await corroborated facts. If it involves politicians or their families? The Rule applies even more. In those, countless time and money is spent crafting a Narrative. Political power is deployed to shape the story.
Aug 11, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
🧵The Climate movement has gone from being mostly a well-intended scientific inquiry to being a secular religion. It has many parallels (devoted adherents, a priesthood of evangelists, etc.), and some stark differences. Like a religion, it has dogma that must be accepted.
When the dogma is questioned, the questioner is often accused of blasphemy, as was the case in pre-Reformation Catholicism. It has a clergy, not of ministers, but of celebrities, politicians, and opportunistic, grant-seeking scientists.
Aug 9, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
🧵1. The FBI tonight raided the home of a former President- first time in history. It was allegedly in connection with a National Archives inquiry to assure that Trump had “returned” to the White House any documents covered by the Presidential Records Act— 18 months ago.
2. Trump’s lawyers have said they had been cooperating with this inquiry from the beginning, even showing the Archive investigators where any stored records were kept, and allowing the Archive to retrieve boxes of documents without a warrant. They had no notice of this raid.
Jul 19, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
🧵Here are a few suggestions I would offer to the GOP leadership for an agenda that would lead to their generational dominance over the Dems (and may make me renew my GOP card):
1. Enact a three-state economic union agreement with Canada and Mexico;
This would enable both streamlined immigration, and legal travel to and from without passport or visa; 2. Put the Department of Education on a four-year track to closure by block-granting its funding to states; 3. Eliminate the Department of Homeland Security…
Jun 8, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
🧵Many who advocate the “assault weapon ban” do so for craven political purposes. Especially national politicians. But many of their credulous supporters hold to the Pollyannish notion because of misguided emotional need to “do something.”
It is not good policy, though.
There are over 20 million AR15’s in private ownership. The US military, in contrast, has maybe 2-3 million rifles chambered in the same caliber.
No government action will “remove” the AR from existence, putting aside the Constitutional impossibility. It is unworthy of thought.
May 18, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
🧵For more than a decade, prominent Democratic Party thought leaders and national elected officials, including its leadership, have hawked the notion that unbridled immigration would eventually lead to the “replacement” of what they labeled as “white” political dominance.
This “Demography Is Destiny” theme was the Democrats’ own “Replacement Theory,” and they pursued it with vigor. But something interesting happened along the way: those recent immigrants, on becoming citizens, didn’t all vote in the approved way. They weren’t automatic Democrats.
May 3, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
🧵Anyone concerned about the outcome of the Dodds case (which, I remind you, has not been decided, regardless of what you may have seen), needs to take a breath. It does not change the availability of abortion in any state. What it does is restore the Constitution’s federalism.
We needed a reminder that the United States was not designed to be a single country, in the model of the UK, France, etc. it is a Republic consisting of 50 sovereign states, with a federal government of limited powers delegated to it by those states.
Apr 30, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
🧵Happened to be watching a briefing by Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby. I don’t know the guy, and I’m sure he is a nice fellow. But while discussing Ukraine, he choked up and began to cry, saying, “it can he hard to see these images…”
All true, of course. It is hard to see…
But what this Admin, and guys like Kirby don’t get, is that we do not live in a world as “enlightened” as they would wish, where men wearing their emotions on their sleeves is a good thing. If Ukraine has taught us anything, it is that we live in a violent world with bad men…
Apr 6, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
🧵In another forum, the topic was how to address the crisis of children contemplating self-harm. The statistics, and individual stories, are heart-wrenching. The task falls to all of us.
First? As parents, never, EVER, cede control of your children anyone…
That means do not cede them to your schools; to social media; their coaches, peers, or others. They are your responsibility to shepherd to happy adulthood.
Second: take control where you can from those forums: home school if you can; push for maximum school choice if not…
Apr 1, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
(Thread) During the 1990’s, the diagnosis of “Multiple Personality Disorder” (as the DSM then called it) seemed to be everywhere. As a lawyer defending medical malpractice cases, I suddenly had dozens of cases in which providers were sued for treatment errors in MPD cases…
I tried to be the best prepared and most knowledgeable lawyer in the room, so I became an expert in the disorder. Gradually, it dawned on me (long before it became apparent to many of the psychological “experts” who specialized in the disorder) that something was amiss…
Mar 27, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
(Thread) You all know I am not a consumer of conspiracy theories. But, with that caveat, if, like me, you are pondering how so many global politicians could be acting so apparently contrary to our best interests, and would like a way to interpret these actions? Take a look:
— The attached essay, by Michael Rectenwald, describes a theory that is by no means “a conspiracy”- it is very real, and was given its name by its authors, the World Economic Forum. You’ve heard the phrase: “The Great Reset.” But you may not know it as well as you think.
Mar 26, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
(Thread): A Denver federal jury has awarded $14 million to 12 plaintiffs who claim injuries received during the 2020 Denver riots. The news coverage depicts them as “protesters.” But having watched these riots live, the term is misused. The peaceful protests occurred earlier…
Those peaceful protests were uneventful, and participants largely unscathed. But (as per the preferred tactics of rioters at the time), when darkness fell, it all changed. Participants became rioters. They did millions of dollars of damage to public and private buildings…
Mar 8, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
{Imaginary Twitter feed, December 8, 1941:}
NBC News: Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor;
Twitter 1: “Well, staging all of those ships there was an act of aggression against Japan- we just don’t understand them. This is our fault.”
Twitter 2: “Oh, sure, “war.” You’re such suckers…”
“You believe everything Cronkite or Murrow tell you. This is all staged by FDR and the global economic cabal to bring on One World Government.”
Twitter 3, replying to 2: “wait- are you saying the newsreel footage is all staged?”
Twitter 2: “All fake. Totally staged…”
Jan 7, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
The state of Louisiana recently pardoned Homer Plessy, the plaintiff in the infamous Plessy v Ferguson case which enshrined the “separate but equal” abomination in American law, in 1896. There was a lone dissent, John Marshall Harlan.
Harlan was born in 1833 in Kentucky.
His family was a prominent slave owning family there, and his father was a lawyer. He had several brothers, including one, Robert Harlan, who was half black, born himself a slave. But Harlan’s father raised Robert as his son, in the Harlan household, and saw to his education.