hera༊ 🩷☁️ | jayhoon aus 📌 | ia here Profile picture
dedicated account for #ENHYPEN • whipped for JayHoon | #JAY: My one and only unit #SUNGHOON | sb to unf | 🩷: @025bliss 🐓: @ykltncn bns: @chewyprios
May 27, 2021 79 tweets 48 min read
#jayhoon AU where

Jay is a model and Sunghoon is a famous anonymous writer. Jay is heart broken by his ex. He copes up by blasting loud music and eating junk food as he watches disney films. Sunghoon, living in the same complex, isn't too happy about that and confronts him. ImageImageImageImage ☾ maybe angst, soft, crack,
☾ contains curse words
☾ characters aged up a bit
☾ FICTIONAL ONLY. None of these events happened irl
☾ don't mind the time and the typos pls ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
☾ pls don't reply, instead qrt pls and let me know your thoughts
☾ please enjoy ✨