planefag Profile picture
Fiction/quest/short story writer, prolific shitposter. My stories (Google Drive:) s*bst*ck: @aerogreek
2 subscribers
Mar 2 44 tweets 13 min read
"You benefit from spending money out of your own pocket in our defense in ~complex and interwoven ways~ also your food fucking sucks and your schools are shooting ranges and we sent like ten dudes to Afghanistan so THERE" Image "Thanks for subsidizing our egregious welfare state through your bottomless defense spending, also we loathe, detest and hate you and sneer at you every fucking chance we get. Also if you dare stop defending us for free we'll take away the bases you need to defend us for free"
Dec 14, 2024 22 tweets 5 min read
"In other words, if you keep trying to engineer equal outcomes among people with different abilities, you're going to keep creating dissident sentiment among people who would naturally achieve better outcomes, and those are really the last people you want to be dissident. They're good at outcomes." Here's the thing, though - how many Luigis do you really need to start sowing chaos? I promise you it's a fraction of one percent of the disaffected high IQ white male population.

And they don't even need high IQ. They just need to get lucky once.

Nov 3, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Jul 15, 2024 56 tweets 17 min read
That's a multicooker. That's not a rice cooker.

Lies. LIES. Image Where did the boiled eggs come from? HOW DID YOU BOIL THEM YOU WHORE?


Jun 3, 2024 58 tweets 15 min read
I'm aware of the many allegations involving this person, who is a member of the Demo team as well as published in Shrapnel. However, I'm also aware that tabletop wargame grognards are easily riled into complaining about damn near anything (spend five minutes in a /tg/ 40k thread) so I thought extending benefit of the doubt was prudent. I assumed nothing about things I haven't seen or read myself (e.g. the fanzine) and simply explained what ordinary fans were complaining about, and how Catalyst Game Labs' public presentation wasn't helping matters.

Interestingly, their response was almost identical to Catalyst's own social media manager - which was to reject all dialogue out of hand and immediately block anyone who disagreed or demurred with the companies' actions or policies.

Given this, it's hard to avoid the conclusion that 1. Catalyst, who is involved with this person professionally, are indeed on the same wavelength as they, and 2. the content of the fanzine is representative of what Catalyst is interested in publishing in the future. While Catalyst's ethical behavior has already impacted their content output (via losing the services of long-time canon author @bpardoe870) that was collateral damage from their atrocious treatment of Mr. Pardoe. We have here an opportunity to see exactly what kind of content Catalyst is consciously seeking out.

Ladies, Gentlemen, and everyone in-between - I will now read your fanzine.Image For those who wish to read along the fanzine is provided for free here:

The rest of you may stand by for the cliffnotes and my
Jun 2, 2024 4 tweets 4 min read
I'm sick and motherfucking tired of listening to people cite this incident without anyone mentioning the time Apaches got the absolute shit fucked out of them by small arms fucking fire in the 2003 invasion:

But I never, ever have heard one motherfucker whine about the Apache's days being over. Not one motherfucker. Not even after we watched numerous Russian attack helos eat shit and die from MANPADs in the opening days of the Ukraine conflict. No, it's just the fixed-wing CAS that's totes obsolete. Because people meme on it and it has a Funny Gun.

Explain to me in short sentences why fixed-wing CAS birds are toes obsolete but rotary-wing is totes survivable. I'll… Here's a news flash dude - CAS aircraft have ALWAYS had a hard roe to hoe. The IL-2 was famously the most produced warplane of all time, to the point where Stalin wrote a personal threat to the foreman of the factory making them to increase production. What isn't mentioned is that the IL-2 was - despite the significant armoring - one of the most shot-down aircraft of all time. So why did they keep cranking them out? Simple - they were cost-effective. And when the A-10 was first built technology was closer to WWII than most people seem to remember. Air to air missiles were still only middling in reliability, and dumbfire weapons, especially cluster bombs, were the order of the day. The A-10 could pay back its production cost with one good Rockeye II run on a Soviet tank column - and that's what they were expected to do; blunt - not stop, just blunt - a Soviet armored advance into Western Europe. They used to call the pilots "speed bumps."

All the armoring done was the bare minimum to even enable the mission role. Stick your nose into the low-altitude environment and you're sticking your nose into a solid wall of lead; where every motherfucker with an AK-47 is shooting at you - like those Apache pilots discovered over Iraq. It's real fucking easy to sneer at A-10s when you have air supremacy and can plink tanks with fucking MK-84s with Paveway kits from 20,000 feet because every SAM has eaten a HARM three days ago. In a truly symmetric war, shit's going to be different.

The Chair Force's ambitions always outrun their technology. The age of the Missie-Only-Fighter - whoops! We still need guns lmao Vietnam. Before that, the age of Strategic Bombing Can End Wars On Its Own - Whoops, we need escort fighters and even then the ground forces have to finish the job, until Nook Nook arrives. Today? "We can totally deliver CAS from 35,000 feet" until Desert Storm, in which case the failures to reliably engage Scuds happened not due to an inability to find them, but of the strike aircraft's sensors to be able to acquire the targets at twilight well enough to release weapons.

NOW, of course, we have the F-35, which not only has the stealth to operate at 40,000 feet without eating a theater-range SAM, but has a terrifying witch-eye that can cram a JDAM up some poor motherfucker's ass from that altitude without blinking.

But we didn't have those in Desert Storm. And if we were fighting the Soviet Union the A-10 was built to contest with, it would've been a very, very different fucking story.Image
Apr 15, 2024 27 tweets 5 min read
People are (rightfully) pointing out that GW's entering a familiar spiral; altering their product and alienating customers to appease shrieking harridans who don't actually buy their stuff. However we should remember the harridans demands *are* backed by an actual threat. Yes, quite often that threat's illusory and *probably* won't manifest. But it's NOT nonexistent. Look no further than Gamergate (original and rerun) to see how devotedly journalists pursue character assassination and smear jobs on people/companies/orgs singled out as targets.
Apr 6, 2024 16 tweets 4 min read
This punch isn't being telegraphed, it's being broadcast in 4K HD Just like the missile attack on the US base in Iraq, this is pure deterrence signalling. The problem for Iran is that their deterrent is weak - they can do a lot of damage, but once they've shot their wad, that's it. Which is why they're milking this so hard.
Mar 1, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
You misunderstand. The exact reason why games have become bloated, preachy, and personally insulting to us and our values makes no difference - it's still unpleasant and un-fun.

Moreover, we want to see people like you - who hate, loathe and detest us - out of a job. A lot. We aren't projecting. We know exactly how you feel about us because you put it in your games. We don't care when you put black people in a videogame - it's when you put words in their mouths to the effect that whitey is evil and bad and should feel bad or that we're literal Nazis
Feb 1, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Laudable as this is, nobody ever seems to make the connection between the prerequisites that produce a society such as this and the number of people in Japan killed by suicide jumpers hitting them on the sidewalk. There was a blog a while ago; written by a black man working as an English teacher in Japan. "Gaijin smash," I believe it was called. And his insights into the culture were prescient and at times downright disturbing.

One regarded Japanese daytime television.
Jan 29, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Me, a "right wing racist": "how many IQ tests calibrated for modern westerners is a guy who grew up in a fucking straw hut going to pass?"

You, an "anti-racist": "I can't offer any alternative explanations, I just shriek that it can't be possible."

Telling on yourself. Will can't even be bothered to look up refutations/criticisms/caveats of IQ testing that've been long published and are easily summarized in < 280 chars because this isn't a data issue to him.

He's railing against blasphemy against his civic religion.

Jan 24, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Extremely interesting to watch @catalystgamelab cut their own throat. I said this before in regards to fiction writing but it applies to tabletop games too - in the age of open-source Java clients, 3D printers and .pdf files, all financial support a company gets is VOLUNTARY. People can - and are - playing Battletech using pirated .pdf's of the books, based on scenarios they derived from pirated .pdf's of their fiction, with minis they ran off on a 3D printer for $0.15 USD worth of plastic, without Catalyst Game Labs seeing one fucking penny.
Dec 7, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Gangs of professional thieves from Chile using wireless jammers to suppress security systems as they stage orchestrated raids of wealthy homes in SE Michigan.

The government that allowed this uncontrolled immigration demands you pay your taxes.… I told you people use of jammers was coming here. I told you it wouldn't remain a South African problem. I fucking told you.
Sep 23, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Nothing pisses me off more than this sanctimonious horseshit. As if you would be quoting your Pure Liberal Ideals Of Justice if it was your country, home and family suffering from the wanton destruction and atrocities. You can fuck right off with that bullshit. This isn't a new take of mine, either. I've argued before and argued again that if you don't factor in this human element you can't properly appreciate the decision to utilize the atom bombs against Japan. Sure, there were a laundry list of good reasons to use them.
Aug 13, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
@stillgray The Russian military:

* Was fought to a stalemate north of Kyiv and forced to retreat from the entire northern front of the country
* Suffered a rapid collapse of the entire north-east front near Kharkiv, losing thousands of square km's in a few weeks
* Lost the city of Kherson @stillgray The loss of Kherson, especially, was notable because once the US finally transferred one moderately modern weapon (HIMARs), every Russian ammo depot within 80km suffered catastrophic existence failure overnight, brutally disrupting extant Russian logistics.
Apr 13, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
>boss is upset that we went home when we ran out of work to do

note to self: you need to ask permission to clock out but you don't need to ask permission to stand around holding your dick running up your wages because the boss isn't on-site to see you do it I assume that the boss fucks off from the worksite early because he has actual work to do elsewhere, like meetings with new prospective clients and stuff like that.

Am I supposed to blow up his phone with every single possible concern and judgement call or...?
Apr 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
So now I get to watch a fucking anime girl lay down better beads than I can, too.

Great. Swell. Fantastic. meh she's using MIG anyway, anyone can do that, you can do that in your SLEEP Image
Apr 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Finally, a gorgeous, warm day. Got outside and burned some rod. Things I learned:

1. The pool takes time to form! Give it time.
2. Give the steel time to cool down.
3. Lock the door, so nobody can walk in on you, glimpse the shambling, twisted monstrosity you've just made and The scream rises in their lungs but escapes only as a terminal sigh once the pointed end of the chipping hammer has done its heinous work. You stand, stunned, wheezing breath filling the hood with fog as you begin to hyperventilate.

You didn't have a choice.

Apr 11, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
>dudes famous for being able to beat people to death with sticks they picked up off the jungle floor
>and also for making world-famous M1911s in caves with a box of scraps
>and turning Jeeps into world-famous pimpmobiles

yeah not gonna do that

ever Image You know those videos of free-climbers? On mountains or skyscrapers? Where they're holding onto a rock-face with fingertips and toes, and then they backflip onto a ledge the width of two fingers as if they have a grudge against goats and want to put them in their fucking place?
Apr 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
despite being an anti-government psychopath with a personal arsenal that has me on multiple watchlists and a devout belief in the illegality of the income tax

I find myself thankful for OSHA

because gawd

daymn… Note that he only touches it with his un-gloved hand after he has made a connection between the two wires so he is no longer the shortest conductive path.




if he slipped or had an oopsie I just

Mar 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I'd like to see GPT-4 come up with Hellcow. GPT-4 can be sane, reasonable and adequate. It'll put tons of milquetoast writers out of work.

But only humans can be bugfuck insane, in writing or any other way.

How ironic - all that shitposting will prove to be my job security