I am a meat popsicle. Agorist, cryptonumismatist, #BuildClub , rapid response teams. https://t.co/DJeKH3Sj1C Coming soon https://t.co/336cvSCPjq
May 4, 2023 • 29 tweets • 5 min read
You seek guidance. Wealthy parasitic absentee landlords want to enslave you, destroy your joy, steal your home with robosigning, ban your natural gas and propane stoves, hurt your children, murder billions of people they (who are useless and evil) call 'useless eaters,' sterilise
everyone they can, 'allow' you to apply for a parenting licence they won't issue, impose central bank digital currencies to thwart your freedom, monitor everything you say so they can eliminate your privileges, prevent you from having fun, mutilate the people they don't kill and
Dec 19, 2022 • 31 tweets • 8 min read
My friends know that I am no great enthusiast for the plantation form of government. I will now quote Lysander Spooner from 1874. The constitution has either authorised such a government as we see or has been powerless to stop it. If you who swore an oath to uphold and defend the
constitution are paying attention, the Twitter files prove that the fbi is a rogue agency. The Tucker Carlson report proves the cia killed John F Kennedy. There is other extensive evidence of the perfidy of the fbi going back to the J Edgar Hoover era.
Below: Waco massacre by fbi
Dec 7, 2022 • 17 tweets • 3 min read
Many long years ago, I read Robert Stinnett's book about the Day of Deceit. Stinnett was a whistleblower. He proved that the Japanese codes were broken a year before the war. He proved the Japanese fleet did not maintain radio silence. FDR knew and betrayed Americans, who died.
FDR even admitted it was a day of infamy in his speech asking congress to declare war. He got his war. His cronies got their war profits. Hundreds of thousands died in the Philippines, Malaysia, Batavia, and Hawai'i because FDR and Churchill refused to warn them. Cowards. Scum.
Oct 28, 2022 • 23 tweets • 5 min read
Once upon a time, Western civilisation had the name Christendom. Men and women wore hats and gloves, behaved with decorum, devoted themselves to education, work, sport, and culture, lived to build a better future for their children. These ideas reflect thousands of years of human
experience. People believed, well into the 20th Century that it was good to attend church, hear the words of Jesus, obey God, get married, have children, and teach them reading, ethics, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, music, literature, culture, history, and decency. These ways were
May 31, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Well, folks, you see it today. What is it that passes for justice if a liar is acquitted by donors to the campaign for which he lied? Corruption is not justice. What is it when feral marshalls taze parents seeking to protect their children? Evil is not serving and protecting.
You see the prices at the pump. You can have no doubt these higher prices are reflected in the cost of everything delivered to stores or to stores or your home by diesel trucks or petrol powered delivery vans. Corruption is not monetary policy. You have heard people swore to
May 21, 2022 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
You are not goimg to vote your way to freedom. If there is an election toward the end of this year, do you believe the group now in power will allow you to win a majority in both houses of congress? rufkm? Have you learnt nothing from the long, sordid history of election fraud in
your country? Were you never told how Lyndon Johnson cheated to win the US Senate seat from Texas? I personally know a guy who voted 6 times in the 1960 presidential election, at 6 different precincts in Chicago, for $1 each time. I asked Larry why he didn't vote even more. He
May 12, 2022 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
You are worried, I know, and your fear seems overwhelming. Here are some reasons to be confident that you'll get through these difficult times. 1. God is with us to save us. 2. The people in power must be terrified of us or they would not censor us and use vote fraud or push psy
ops. See, the weapons that nobody human controls are nuclear, biological, chemical, psychological. They would not use them except from desperation. 3. We know what they do to children. They know we know. They know what happens if they lose power. 4. We outnumber them. In the USA
May 6, 2022 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
You know that you are in a war, that the people who have corrupted the govt are killing millions around the world, and you fear for the future. God has a plan for you, and has revealed some of it to me and to others. Here is a vital part of it: Occupy this land in America and do
not flee into other countries. Jeremiah 42: 10-11 "If ye will still abide in this land, then will I build you, and not pull you down, and I will plant you, and not pluck you up: for I repent me of the evil that I have done unto you...
Apr 7, 2022 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
Okay, so I went to the People's Truckers Freedom Convoy. Wow. Um, what a mess. First, the good parts. I was made welcome last night. My donation of food was accepted with enthusiasm. The people I met last night were friendly and kind. My friends were travelling in from out of
state, so I inquired of the Holy Spirit. I was told not to camp there that night. So I stayed overnight in a very noce Super 8 in Hagerstown, Maryland. Got up, found my way back to the speedway, where they were breaking camp. I found my friends Chew and Morgan. Then I introduced