William Wheelwright Profile picture
from fire by fire
14 subscribers
Jun 30, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
Spontaneous thread on the wildfire situation and the roots of libtarded environmentalism. If you are GenX or younger, you probably unwittingly grew up straddling a large contradiction. On the one hand, you most likely loved nature and her beauty: animool, birb song, lovely green trees and flowing river. Maybe being outside made you feel good and calm, at peace.
Jun 24, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
There is scene in River Runs Through It where Brad Pitt character shows awesome prowess and commitment to catching huge fish, floating halfway down the river and almost over giant waterfall. His onlooking brother, the narrator, then says, “I knew then I was witnessing perfection https://t.co/Vpxualz07a
…but just as surely that life *is not a work of art* and the moment could not last.” I often juxtapose this scene, which I’ve always found moving and maybe truthful, with BAP mishimian exhortation: MAKE YOURSELF A WORK OF ART!
Apr 16, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Been thinking more about this today. Do you realize that, ultimately, the bioleninist regime will have remove all interactions you may have with animool and plant? This is because their very existence contradicts their most base assumption: that creatures’ nature is malleable The regime’s agricultural system already prerequires the nuking of vast acreages in order eliminate enough life to be viable. China solar panel carpet mountain landscape. You see beaver build dam and think, is nature for beaver to build dam, what is nature for me to do?
Apr 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Complete and total lie, and such a basic lie that it is impossible to imagine that it is being uttered in ignorant good faith. Wherever it is too dry for plant matter to decompose (most of the world’s land), the removal of animals CREATES bare ground (desertification) It’s not complicated or difficult to understand. Succession requires decay which requires moisture. On most of the world’s land, the only place moist enough for cellulose to decompose is inside the rumens of herbivores.
Apr 12, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
Alright, fight fans. Be careful what you wish for, because now you’re all DOOMED: it’s finally time for the long-awaited, much-anticipated GOOD. WILL. HUNTING. DEBUNKED & BEDUNKED. THREAD. Strap in, anon. It’s time to “go see about a girl.” As far as libtard fetishes go, this flick has it all. I mean, it’s a movie about THERAYP. But not just that. It’s about upward mobility. It’s about human… MOTILITY. And most of all it’s about a man’s ABILITY… to allow a woman to final soften his childhood abuse-hardened heart. Image
Mar 18, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Wokeism is nothing more another sorry attempt by subaverage but rhetorically exploitative minds to address the universal human condition, which is the experience of alienation from a centralizing human essence or special nature, which no other creature observably shares. Image There many other such attempts. Only one (premodern Christianity) is and ever can be successful, because only it can address the root causes. Wokeism addresses neither cause nor effect of this condition: its strategy is to postulates that no such condition, or alienation, exists. Image
Mar 9, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
There was a debate on here some months ago about whether or not the culture is “hypersexualized”

One side pointed to ads like this, which were ubiquitous during my adolescence

The other pointed to the total sterility of our society, lack of Eros, rise of inceldom in both sexes At the time I thought this was a very dumb argument, but didn’t want to weigh in because I am wholesome chungus, forward and sensitive young man who prefers to please everyone, be very charming and avoid controversy. But now I will say something that should be pretty obvious…
Feb 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Great piece from a great man, @ChivalryGuild is easily one of my top three favorite accounts on here. Here he defends the necessity of physical training and prowess from recent attack. If I may, I want to expand on one of his points. In response to the critique that gym culture.. Plays into the liberal tendency toward earthly self-deification, Chivalry says that the gym is the where a man learns the power of his own agency.

But I would say the gym is not so much where he learns his body’s power, it’s where he learns and confronts its limits
Nov 14, 2022 16 tweets 6 min read
Did you enjoy my thread deboonking softcore gay porn movie Dead Poets Society, showing you that Neil’s father is the true hero of the story? Well I’m about to deconstruct another American favorite, one that looms even larger in the cultural memory… OH YES Dirty Dancing, apart from one or two appetizing scenes, is a hideous flick that, like almost every movie made in the last 60+ years, is a propagandistic ode to gynocratic GNC flavor so-called “liberalism”, which is more aptly called something else, but I cannot discuss this now. Image
Aug 17, 2022 23 tweets 8 min read
Dead Poets’ Society isn’t the movie you thought it was—it is in fact a brutal critique of boomer liberalism and a cautionary tale against the perils of hippie rebellion. Mr. Keating is its villain; the other teachers and Neil’s father are the would-be heroes of this tragedy. Image The film takes place at a *preparatory* school in the AngloCath style (not one of these ghey Puritan schools like Andover or Exeter where kids have been offing themselves for more than three centuries). The term itself prompts the question: preparing for what? Preparing how? Image