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Jul 13 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
If you have goals, you think you'd want to do everything in your power to achieve them, right?

Yet, you hit the snooze button, you doom scroll, or you skip the gym — why?

Three Jungian Analysts explain why we self-sabotage ourselves: Image What is self-sabotage?

♦ Sabotage comes from the French word Sabot, which are wooden shoes.

⬩ Allegedly, workers who made the sabots covertly threw the wooden shoes into the machinery as a form of protest over labor disputes — sabotage, in other words

♦ Self-sabotage is a sign you have an inner conflict:

⬩ “Your ego wants one outcome, but some other part of us clearly wants a different outcome” – @LisaMarchiano

⬩ Self-sabotage is usually rooted in the question: what are you scared of?

♦ “SHOULD” is a core underpinning of self-sabotage

⬩ Example: You consciously know you should get eight hours of sleep, but some unconscious desire prevents you from doing so

♦ Self-sabotage is often correlated to stress and neurosis

⬩ Avoiding something because you miscalculate your stress/emotional tolerance
Jul 5 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Most people suck at meditation.

Let's fix that with some myth-busting and useful advice: Image Thinking that meditation is about stopping all thoughts - Meditation is not about forcefully stopping all thoughts. It is about observing your thoughts without getting caught up in them.
Jul 3 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
If you want to build muscle as a vegan and are wondering if it's possible,

Science says you need to read this: Image Yes, you can build muscle on a vegan diet.

Building muscle on a vegan diet probably requires a little more wherewithal.

Individuals trying to build muscle on a vegan diet must be more targeted in their approach to ensure that they are getting more total protein and from higher-quality protein sources.
Jul 1 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
The most important guest recording that @hubermanlab has ever done was James Hollis.

James Hollis is a Jungian psychoanalyst who helps people navigate life’s transitions and uncover deeper meaning by integrating the principles of Carl Jung’s analytical psychology.

Read the key takeaways from that conversation:Image The question of meaning:

If what we are doing is meaningful as understood by the psyche, it will support us even in the face of suffering and sacrifice.

If what we’re doing is wrong as seen by the psyche, then over time it begins to pathologize.
Jul 1 • 21 tweets • 4 min read
The best peak performance book I've ever read:

The Inner Game of Tennis by W. Timothy Gallwey.

Hidden inside this gem is a mini-degree in performance psychology, improving one's mental focus, and concentration under pressure.

Here are 20 quotes that may change your life:Image “The player of the inner game comes to value the art of relaxed concentration above all other skills; he discovers a true basis for self-confidence; and he learns that the secret to winning any game lies in not trying too hard.”
May 23 • 15 tweets • 7 min read
Over 15 hours covering everything you could even want to know about sleep, distilled down to a single mega post from all 6 guest episodes with @sleepdiplomat on the @hubermanlab podcast: Sleep cycles & Architecture: Non-REM and REM play for brain domination throughout the night in 90-minute cycles – this is the standard architecture of sleep.

Ratio of non-REM and REM throughout the night: the first half of the night is dominated by non-REM deep sleep; the second half of our sleep is dominated by REM sleep.

Not everyone’s sleep cycles are 90 minutes: sleep architecture is fairly consistent within a person, but can be different across people.
Jan 30 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Even in 2024, blockchain remains a mystery to most folks.

This explanation by @naval is the best I ever heard: We build networks, which have to be governed (or we have to figure out a way to organize them).

Historically we’ve done this by creating a country with a king, or president, or corporation in charge, or have a democracy where it’s one person one vote.

But whoever is at the center of the network, ends up becoming very powerful:

“These networks are very important. Electricity is a network. The phone system is a network. Money is a network. Your favorite religion is a network. So it’s very important who runs these networks.” - Naval
Sep 12, 2023 • 4 tweets • 5 min read
05:31 – Ukraine and Starlink
- Activating StarLink in Crimea is a potential major act of war
- Musk compares the request to turn on connectivity in Crimea to a "Pearl Harbor" type attack on Sebastopol, a Russian naval base in Crimea
- Explicit U.S. government approval is needed
- He would have complied with a presidential directive from the American president if he had received one
-Despite the media criticism aimed at Musk, Secretary Blinken showed support
- Interestingly, Musk is being criticized for voluntarily providing StarLink services
- If StarLink had never been offered, there would be no criticism
- SpaceX has spent around $100 million supporting StarLink in Ukraine
- Musk is confused over the Biden administration's stance and accusations toward him 19:10 – Green Shoots of X
- The company improved its advertising, which is boosting its finances
- Despite a smaller team, many new features were launched in the past year
- Maintaining Twitter isn't as complex as some think and doesn't need a big team
- This rapid development has been achieved with about 15% of the original company size
- Tesla's self-driving software team is smaller but handles more complexity
- Areas like advertising sales and network operations need improvement
- User engagement metrics are positive
- There's cautious optimism about the company's future after recent improvements
Dec 30, 2022 • 20 tweets • 6 min read
We took notes 🗒️ on >400 Podcasts in 2022. Here are BEST 20

MEGA 🧵👇 Episode 84 – Sleep Toolkit: Tools For Optimizing Sleep & Sleep-Wake Timing | Huberman Lab
Mar 18, 2022 • 57 tweets • 8 min read
This week @naval did a Twitter Spaces, here are our NOTES 🧵 @naval What Web3 Is
Open source is at the core of Web3 and Crypto. Think of Web3 as the business model for open source. Web3 is where the code is open, users own their data, and contributors own the network.