De Angela Profile picture
I live 4 music, curate music symposia about #Prince & speak & write about him whenever I can! Be water, my friend!! 💜
Aug 25, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
1/7 In my teens, I wrote for a biweekly newspaper called The Purple Cow, distributed to more than 150 high schools around Atlanta to the tune of about 41,000 copies each time. I primarily wrote record reviews about (drumroll) Prince and associates... Duh!
👇(1987 @ 16 years old) Image 2/7 In the year of Lovesexy (1988), I wrote my final article 4 the Purple Cow. 👇I mentioned that I'd never write "album credits" AKA liner notes, here. It was unfathomable, not even a dream. But, decades later, the Universe opened my reality to extreme possibilities....💜 Image
Jul 23, 2021 63 tweets 26 min read
Thx for the generous intro @deejayumb for my contribution—Sampling Jill Jones—to the superb JJ #PrinceTwitterThread series!

You can tell a lot of 💜 & care have gone into crafting those that have gone before & will follow!

@jilldjones deserves it!

"When you're coming up with different ways of getting old memories to transform - you're scratching, you're doing all this kind of sampling - what ends up happening is that you're becoming a kind of writer with sound."
~DJ Spooky (Paul D. Miller) #PrinceTwitterThread Image