Libtard, veteran, activist, writer, board gamer, and occasional troll. Fan of the Oxford Comma.
Senior staff to two cats
Feb 15, 2020 • 19 tweets • 5 min read
I just got back from early voting, and have cast a ballot for Pete. Let me start with the good stuff...
I was inadvertently early, thanks to a mixup in reading the schedule, so I was first in line to vote. Right behind me was a group of four older black women and I've
never had a as much fun in a group of strangers (I'm an introvert). They were a riot. One repeatedly professed a willingness to vote for Mickey Mouse over the current president. I swapped campaign war stories with another, down to the dirty tricks brigades the we (allegedly)
Feb 15, 2020 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
I think it's time to talk about a Voters Rights Act. No, not a Voting Rights Act, although we absolutely need to review and refresh that as well - but that's a subject for another thread.
As it stands today, registering to vote requires you to surrender your right to privacy. Absolutely anyone can get your name and address from the county clerk once you've registered to vote, and depending where you live can also find out your party registration and voting history
Jan 12, 2020 • 30 tweets • 5 min read
I've been asked a few times recently why I dislike Trump so much, and what it would take for me to support him. The thing is, those are actually two very different questions with two very different answers. So I'm going to make an honest attempt to answer them.
There is nothing Trump can do that will make me support him, and that is about policy. On nearly every issue that is important to me, the Republican party and Donald Trump are pursuing policies that I disagree with. So there isn't likely to be anything he can do to change that.
Dec 1, 2019 • 18 tweets • 6 min read
There is only one person that I agree with 100% of the time on policy, morality, campaign strategy, fundraising, choice of staff and advisors, etc... and I'm not running for President.
So I'm supporting the candidate that inspires me the most - @PeteButtigieg
My support for Mayor Pete is not a rejection of any of the other fantastic candidates running this year and I will have no problem getting behind the ultimate winner of the primary, which is why I'm #bluenomatterwho. But until we have a nominee, Pete will have my full support.