Dr. Ellen Andersen Profile picture
UVM political scientist. I teach/study/write about American politics, constitutional law, social movements, LGBTQ rights, and disability.
Jul 21, 2019 19 tweets 3 min read
My mentions are blowing up with debates about the Electoral College. For those who attach some sort of reverence to it based on “what the founders” said, let me note that of the 17 amends ratified after the Bill of Rights, FIVE CHANGED SOME ASPECT OF PRES ELECTIONS. 1/ Under the orig Constitution, the person with the most EC votes became Pres; the runner-up became Veep. So...Pres Trump and VP Clinton?? A handful of elections were enuf to show stupidity of that idea. The 12th A (1804) provided for Pres and VP to run as a ticket. 2/