PoIiMath Profile picture
Marginally compelling & occasionally accurate, sometime writer, engineer, cake-baker
11 subscribers
Feb 5 4 tweets 2 min read
I'm not sure what is going on, a 🧵

Is USAID little more than a grift org? I'm skeptical mainly because that's a really comfortable narrative to get people to be ok with nuking it from orbit.

This seems like a reasonable explanation of the Musk strategy for clearing out the corruption brush in the government.

BUT I'm very skeptical of reasonable explanations like this because they are often used to persuade people like me

Jan 6 6 tweets 2 min read
This reminded me that Reading Recovery is quite possibly the most damaging program implemented in American schools

It teaches children not to sound out words but to guess at the word based on the first few letters, surrounding context, and visual cues

It has caused massive permanent damage to millions of children My son was taught using this method for one year when he was in public school and I am still trying to teach him to sound out words

His inability to read long words correctly has shattered his confidence and has made him despise reading that doesn't have pictures
Dec 26, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
"We can't find any 'native' Americans to fill these jobs" is the kind of thing a tech executive will say when they have no idea what their own company's hiring process looks like "We can't find anyone to fill these jobs" but when I talk to my friend inside the company, it turns out they have a hiring freeze
Dec 17, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
It's impossible to have a conversation around this but, if I were to try, it would be this:

People (esp young people) are furious at the diffusion of responsibility that our modern world represents. Bureaucracies, public & private, can do anything and no one is held responsible You can see this on almost every level of life. A pharm company can roll out policies that kill thousands.

McKesson Corp was ordered to pay billions for killing thousands of people in Jan 2022. Since then their stock price has doubled. No one truly held accountable.
Dec 10, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
10 years ago, I identified as a libertarian

Today I do not. Most of this has been because I've lost 2 family members and almost a dozen friends to fentanyl.

I'm sorry, libertarian friends. The drug problem is fucked and your solution is to just let everyone die There are two libertarian answers to this

1) of course people are dying, that's b/c the gov't doesn't allow safe legal drugs

2) letting the weak die is best for the survival of the species
Nov 14, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
This is, indeed, an interesting clip. But I want to focus on a throw-away comment in here.

Ezra says that Greg Abbott bussing migrants was obviously "cruel" and I just want to know...

Cruel to whom? Was bussing migrants cruel to the migrants?

How so? Is New York City a crueler place than Texas? Is it dirtier or uglier? Does it have fewer resources?

Is NYC more racist than Texas that it would be kinder to keep the migrants in the warm embrace of Texas?
Nov 8, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
I don't know how to say this gently, but young men don't want control over women's bodies

They want to be this guy

Image young men want to be brave in the face of danger. They want challenge and glory and a culture that will respect them for sacrifice, a culture that treats them with dignity for their risk taking or protective instincts
Nov 7, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
I'm incredibly sympathetic to this argument

I don't think Dem primary voters have been given a real choice to have their voices heard in the selection of a presidential candidate since 2008 Image link archive.is/DefM6
Oct 11, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Look: We cannot operate a society if we are not honest with the facts on the ground

Yes, car seat bullshit is a giant pain in the ass for parents on many fronts. It impacts quality of life in a huge way. In 1987, my parents had 5 kids under 10. We did big road trips that were tolerable in part b/c we weren't all strapped into a car seat.
Oct 4, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
imo, anyone who talks about "misinformation" must first write an essay about Rick Santorum and how much Google should pay him in restitution for allowing a radio host hijack his search results for 10 years I am shocked how many people don't know about this.

Dan Savage hated GOP Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum for his socially conservative views so he told his readers to hijack Google's search result for "Santorum" to point to a pornographic result

Sep 5, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
I'm trying to go through Arizona's budget documents, but what is abundantly true from even a brief investigation is that @propublica is being deeply dishonest in this framing

They are treating the voucher program as if it is purely additive to the education budget @propublica What do I mean by "purely additive"?

Well, the concept of the voucher program is that they take the money they would spend on your child in public school and you get to spend it on a school of your choice

For example:
Aug 8, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
This kind of obsequience to a politician is all the more revolting in the knowledge that is is voluntary This all feels like someone told them to go lick the feet of whatever random politician got selected for VP and they said "are you sure you just want me to lick his feet?"
Jul 17, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
It seems like an ideal time for us to come together and figure out what kind of rules and patterns we would want that would neuter cancel culture for everyone.

We can't keep going like this. It's not stable. I would love to see some sort of agreement that employers can sign on to that says "We don't cancel our employees. Period."

I'm fairly certain the only possible reform needs to come from employers. They are the weak point b/c they are the cowards.
Jun 26, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Really... what the hell is this argument from SCOTUS?

The plaintiffs don't have standing to be protected from censorship b/c they can't prove "a real and immediate threat of repeated injury"?

No shit. That's b/c the gov't is doing it behind the scenes!

Image When this was happening, we couldn't prove it was happening. We were suspicious, we were guessing, we were extrapolating.

We couldn't prove until long after the fact that the executive branch was pressuring social media companies to censor.
May 10, 2024 16 tweets 6 min read
Thanks to @moyurireads (Author of "Is your fav author a Zionist?") we have a wonderful purchase list for authors who are not openly antagonistic to Israel

Take a stroll through this thread and see what you might want to add to your reading list: 🧵 We'll start with the big ones.

Brandon Sanderson (@BrandSanderson) is here for the crimes of not believing in boycotts and "visiting Israel despite people asking him not to"

He's written dozens of great fantasy novels, including the Stormlight Archive

Apr 26, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
I'll say this again:

This is a DIRECT consequence of the fact that people let the severe Covid restrictions come and go with zero consequences

Covid taught authority figures that they can treat the people under their authority like trash and they will simply accept it Students: If you don't like this kind of treatment, you have to show that you reject it. You have to go to a different school, move to a different state, vote a different way.
Dec 30, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
A friend of mine died today

He was too young to die. His kids were exactly the age of my kids, they played together and loved each other.

He was fine last week, looking forward to Christmas with his family

Now he is gone I've had a peculiar life but generally speaking, the possibilities of life grew in scope throughout my 20's and well into my 30's

I had a serious speed bump when I was unemployed for a time, but generally things seemed on the up-and-up until, in my late 30's, my dad passed away
Dec 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The community note here is really fascinating b/c it exposes one of the strategies @PolitiFact uses to deceive its readers:

They routinely reframe the context of the "fact" in question so that they can claim that their team is honest or the other team is dishonest Image What most likely happened is that Newsom was given a talking point by his debate team and he just flat-out forgot that the details of the fact mattered

He internalized what he was supposed to say but he's not a careful enough person to get the details correct
Nov 21, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This is going to end up being the most easily preventable crisis in the history of American health policy

"experts" and politicians thought they could bully people into the Covid vaccine and ended up poisoning the incredibly hard-won cultural victories for childhood vaccines They were warned. We were begging them not to do this. The consequences were not just obvious, we had seen exactly this thing happen 150 years ago with exactly the same result.

Evil, stupid people portraying themselves as saviors

Oct 12, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
On "cancel culture":

Yesterday, they crushed @KyleKashuv's Harvard career b/c some shit leaked private messages from when he was 15

Today, they are begging for mercy b/c Harvard law students publicly celebrated the largest Jewish genocide since the Nazis

Tomorrow, they will cheer the firing of a mildly right-of-center student or professor for suggesting that trans ideology is a social contagion (which it obviously is)

Every "oh no, this is cancel culture" appeal is not honest. All they want is you to pause long enough that they can get away with it.

They will not reciprocate. They will never give you quarter or kindness. They will beg on their knees for mercy and the very second you grant it, they will stick a knife in your child and laugh at the stupidity of the grace you showed them. fuck them. When the political winds change, you should absolutely take the opportunity to fuck them.

You asked to be left alone and they tried to fire you.

They celebrated the murder of children and now, realizing their folly, they are begging for mercy

No. No mercy for people who laugh at dead children. Their remorse is driven entirely b/c, after laughing and mocking the dead, they saw their boss look at them weird and they realized they crossed a line.
Sep 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
When the final history on the decline in institutional trust is written, there should be a chapter on Obamacare

We were subject to 2 years of fact-checks, expert opinions, and projections and they were all bullshit

Obamacare changed nothing, made nothing better

Healthcare continued to get more expensive, none of the things it was supposed to fix got fixed "It's gonna bend the cost curve, here's my model that assumes this is true that proves that it will work"

shut up, nerd. go talk to a real person for 5 minutes