Political Sock Profile picture
Lawyerly. Texan. Middle drawer opinions. That sock you misplaced is back. Politics, faith, football, food, Labrador retrievers & German shepherds. S^2. EMC.
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Jun 14, 2024 8 tweets 1 min read
Friday sex trafficking stats

271,845 ads for sex posted in Q1 2024 in Texas alone

Breaking down by population, per capita the ads are highest in order by:

Big Spring
Beaumont More than 18,000 ads in Tarrant County in Q1 2024, approximately 7% of ads statewide
Sep 5, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
WaPo runs an editorial referencing “pelvic theology” & “sins below the waist.”

For years, I was sympathetic to the idea that some in the church were too focused on sexual sins.

It’s obvious now that they were more right than wrong.


I supported legalized gay marriage. The question, “How does my gay marriage affect you?,” is difficult to answer. Theoretically, it shouldn’t.

But was that true?

For many “normal” gay folks - people like Guy Benson, for example - the answer is yes. His wedding impacts me zero.
Jun 30, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
A few quick thoughts / notes on today’s landmark Supreme Court decision that effectively ends race preferences in government institutions. 🧵

First, despite gnashing of teeth on the left, this decision makes some statements that are very difficult to argue against.

This long excerpt demonstrates how a small number of unelected judges took it upon themselves (in Bakke and Grutter) to decide that the 14th Amendment could be ignored, at least for a period of time.

Today, another small group of unelected judges decided that time had ended.
Jun 27, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
People (like me) who support GOP candidates other than Trump need to take the time to try to understand Trump voters.

If you just dismiss them as dumb or uninformed or worse, you are missing out on understanding not only a significant part of the GOP but of the country as well. Why is it when you drive through rural America, even deep into Biden’s term, you see flags for a rich Manhattan a-hole?

Why would country folk like him?

If you mindlessly reply “racism,” I’ll mute you. Don’t be that person.
May 14, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Patriot Front
Patriot Front of Judea
The Patriot People’s Front

It is so hard to know which FBI group to join. Look at this activism! 46 — count them — 46 yard signs placed.

This movement is striking terror into the hearts of the, err, non movants. Image
May 13, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
CU-Boulder instructs students to refer to everyone by made up “pronouns” unless they tell you otherwise.

This is beyond parody.

colorado.edu/cisc/pride-off… Image “It is never SAFE to assume someone’s gender….”

“Choosing to ignore or disrespect someone’s pronouns is not only an act of OPPRESSION but can also be considered an act of VIOLENCE .” Image
Apr 18, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
Ron DeSantis & the FL legislature are about to notch a final win over Disney in the Reedy Creek kerfuffle, & the left are furious.

They aren’t furious that Disney is reaping the crop of its political activities. They’re furious Disney lost the fight. 1x Starting point for this discussion begins with remembering who/what Disney is: one of the wealthiest, most powerful & influential companies in the world. (Link is to a chart of what The Mouse owns.) 2x

Apr 18, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
It isn’t hard to understand why the spontaneous & unorganized Bud Light boycott is working.

First, beer companies traditionally aren’t woke. Bud Light stood out alone.

When Nike does something woke, what are you going to do? But Adidas? They’re all woke. Second, there are ready substitutes.

Miller Lite & Coors Light are functional equivalents of Bud Light. Who cares?
Apr 17, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Flashback to a trans ideology fight I reported on in 2016. Critically important lesson can be learned from this.

Background: An activist school board in a reddish city (Fort Worth) tried to sneak radical trans ideology into school bathroom policy.

politicalsock.wordpress.com/2016/05/11/int… It’s what you would expect. Kids were to be able to use the bathrooms, locker rooms & showers they IDENTIFIED with as opposed to their biological sex. At the time, there were perhaps 3 students in the entire district who allegedly “identified” as trans.
Mar 31, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The divide Tom sees here is the fruit of the poison tree of identity politics.

How on earth does the president’s press secretary say “our hearts go out to the trans community, they’ve been under attack” when the bodies of 6 people murdered by a trans person aren’t yet cold? 1x Can she hear herself?

How does the president joke about the hate crime aspect? How does he not react with empathy for the people targeted?

It’s because their first INSTINCT is now tribal. The shooter was a member of the correct identity group. They know what team they’re on. 2x
Mar 28, 2023 19 tweets 7 min read
🧵 Thread🧵 regarding how wokeism seeps into and ruins…everything.

You’ve probably never heard of the Corporation for Supportive Housing, but you’ve paid into it.

It’s a non-profit that takes grants from govt & big business. 1x

csh.org Somehow or other, some part of your money has gone to CSH.

CSH has a noble mission - to help some of the poorest Americans get housing they can afford & live with stability & dignity. Sounds great, right?

CSH also puts on a big national conference. 2x

Mar 25, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Every Democrat votes AGAINST the Parents’ Bill of Rights legislation, and the Senate won’t even give it a vote.

All this bill would do is give parents the right to know what’s going on at their kids’ schools.

So why is that dangerous to Dems?

hotair.com/tree-hugging-s… Here’s the bonkers answer from the Dem leader in the House:

“They want to ban books, they want to bully the LGBTQ+ community [and] they want to bring guns into classrooms, kindergarten and above," House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries.

Mar 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I’ve noticed that gay women don’t feel the need to dress up like Chippendale men and dance for children.

Somehow it’s only men. And by somehow I mean of course it’s only men.
Mar 22, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
To understand just how batsh*t bonkers crazy the Biden administration is to INSIST that ELEMENTARY KIDS be taught gender ideology, you should know that as recently as 2019, the World Health Organization defined gender identity disorder as MENTAL ILLNESS.

cbsnews.com/news/world-hea… For more context, the DSM-IV also considered Gender Identity Disorder to be a mental illness.

Jul 28, 2022 13 tweets 2 min read
America is practically begging for someone to "flip the table" - an analogy.

On a spring break a number of years ago, some college kids set up a card table in the surf to play a drinking game.

It started out fun, then got weird, then got out of hand. 1x As the crowd around the table grew & the partying escalated, guys started encouraging girls to take off their tops. A few of the girls did, to the delight of the drunken instigators. 2x
Mar 24, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read

Peaster, TX is a rural suburb of Fort Worth - about 40 miles NW of DFW.

In the fall of 2020, the "rubes" at tiny, podunk Peaster ISD decided to defy covid fearmongering related to schools. 1x District leaders looked at the data & recognized what much of the world (outside of US teachers' unions) agree on today: schools were not significant vectors of covid spread.

So, Peaster ISD reopened in the fall of 2020 - with no mask requirements. 2x
Jan 18, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
The late, great Walter E. Williams explains inflation. 🧵Thread🧵

Milton Friedman says, “[I]nflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon, in the sense that it cannot occur without a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.” 1 Increases in money supply are what constitute inflation, and a general rise in prices is the symptom. 2
Sep 9, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
"Our patience is wearing thin."???

I'm fully vaxxed since April. Holy hell, he makes me want to go back in time and not take it. "Our patience is wearing thin" is like literally a crappy Hollywood villain line.

Who the F thought it would be a good idea for Biden to drop that out there?
Sep 9, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
DOJ Challenges Texas Heartbeat Law

The lawsuit also seeks preliminary and permanent injunctions prohibiting the law's enforcement by state officials or by the individuals that Garland said the statute "deputizes to serve as bounty hunters."

law360.com/texas/articles… The case is United States v. Texas, case number 1:21-cv-00796, in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas.
Sep 9, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
"Uterus holder" is now my new go to. The family uterus holder left early for work this am, so my morning twitter time might be extremely productive.
Aug 19, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
The Biden interview transcript with @GStephanopoulos is even worse than you imagined.

This particular quote alone is stunning.

Reporter asks the obvious question about leaving the country in shameful fashion. 1/6

abcnews.go.com/Politics/full-… First, Biden retreats (again) to his dead son Beau. This is his first refuge anytime someone questions him about duty or honor.

But he does so incoherently.

He says Beau “spent 6 months in Kosovo.” He did, after the war there had ended. He trained prosecutors. 2/6