Polly Mackenzie Profile picture
Chief Social Purpose Officer @ual. Veteran of @demos @mmhpi @wep_uk and the last half way decent government. https://t.co/egqoKTPFN7
May 4, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I for one am delighted for UAL to be attacked for our sector-leading parental leave policy: six months’ full pay for every new parent.

Our policies apply to mothers, but they also apply to every other new parent and we use inclusive language in our policy to reflect that. (1/?) Image Biology is real, mothers exist and babies grow in uteruses.

But the assumption that babies are a woman’s job, and that only women should take time off work, is deeply harmful. I have long believed that we will only have equality at work when we have equality at home.
May 1, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Here’s what annoys me about the Birbalsingh row, in ascending order.

1. What she said about girls not liking hard maths is unevidenced, inaccurate and unhelpful. 2. She holds an important role as the country’s Social Mobility Commissioner and she turned up to Parliamentary Select Committee so unprepared she was happy to make unevidenced, inaccurate and unhelpful claims.
Feb 10, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
I see Jacob Rees Mogg has invited the public to write to him about EU regulations they want scrapped.

In coalition days, I was involved in the public consultation on the Freedoms Bill and the Red Tape Challenge.

I guarantee JRM will emerge with slim pickings. Why? 🧵 1. This is a very badly designed way to involve the public in policy making. Involving the public is part of our identity @demos - I’m not saying leave it to experts.

But most people are busy, and non-technical in their understanding of policy and regulatory processes.
Sep 24, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Put the last paragraph first.

A quick thread on writing compelling arguments about complicated things. It's a technique I learned at university from a brilliant woman, Penny Wilson. I'd written an essay about the use of letters in Jane Austen. Dr Wilson said it was 2.1 standard. She told me to rewrite it, putting the last paragraph first.

I did. At formal marking I got a first.
Mar 25, 2021 14 tweets 2 min read
A quick hit list of remote working thoughts.

Most people who tried it want to carry on.

Most people who tried it also want to go back to the office sometimes. Offices can great for “riffing” and collaborative work.

Offices can be a nightmare for concentration and deep work. Ask anyone who’s ever sat opposite me and been interrupted 5x per hour.
Mar 11, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
A long time ago, before we had kids, my darling husband got into that state of drunkenness where you don’t quite remember how you got home.

This is a thread about the rights and wrongs of victim blaming. In the morning he couldn’t find his phone, and it was only a few hours later, as the fog cleared he recalled it being snatched from him as he got off the bus.

He felt like an idiot for recklessly putting himself into harm’s way. And I agreed.
Dec 15, 2020 16 tweets 6 min read
I want to tell you about my brilliant friend @RoseActon, who has died at just 28. She was a polymath, a pioneer and an inspiration to all who knew her. Here's a thread of just some of the things she accomplished. Most careers are much longer but few are as diverse or as brave. I learned at her funeral yesterday that as a teenager she won best delegate at a Model UN competition in Paris.

She studied for her degree at Kings College London where she tutored disadvantaged kids at the weekend.
Apr 17, 2018 9 tweets 1 min read
The “hostile environment” mission started in earnest in December 2012, with an inter-ministerial group set up on Migrant Access To Benefits And Public Services (we called it MATBAPS) Right from the start, Theresa May’s mission was to make it systematically difficult to get by without papers.
Oct 1, 2017 14 tweets 1 min read
Of all the policies I worked on in government, housing was the most depressing. (1/14) Initially I was thrilled to be working w Oliver Letwin & James O'Shaughnessy who got it: it was all about supply & rising prices bad (2/14)