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501(c)3 transforming how #LongCovid, #ME/CFS & LongLyme are studied, diagnosed, and treated. Leading the #LongCovid Research Consortium.
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Jul 3 13 tweets 3 min read
Breaking!: Research published today in Science Translational Medicine and supported by PolyBio Research Foundation shows that the #SARS-CoV-2 virus can chronically persist in the gut of patients with long COVID for over 2 years: polybio.org/chronic-virus-… 2/ The findings, published by a UCSF team known for innovation in HIV research, also documented T cell immune activation across the bodies and brains of people after COVID. This T cell activation was particularly elevated in the spinal cord and gut wall of long COVID participants Image
May 3 10 tweets 3 min read
We are proud to have supported this new paper published in @BrainBehavImm.

Led by @MBVanElzakker & team at @MGHMartinos, it is the is first study to document neuroinflammation in the long COVID brain along with evidence of vascular problems: polybio.org/longcovid-brai… 2/ Neuroinflammation was located in some #brain areas that are exposed to circulating blood factors via gaps in the “blood-brain barrier” of the brain’s blood vessels. Image
Apr 11 11 tweets 3 min read
Great to see this new piece in @ScienceMagazine highlighting LongCovid clinical trials working to target #SARS-CoV-2 persistence. We are proud to be supporting nearly all the teams/trials mentioned in the piece via our LongCovid Research Consortium: science.org/content/articl… 2/ They include the trial at Sinai where @PutrinoLab , @polybio’s Dr. Amy Proal and Akiko Iwasaki’s group at Yale “will study two broad-spectrum antivirals that don’t require viral replication to work: Truvada and Selzentry, both approved for HIV”: polybio.org/projects/a-cli…
Feb 22 23 tweets 6 min read
We are excited to announce a 2nd series of collaborative projects & clinical trials supported via our LongCovid Research Consortium: polybio.org/new-longcovid-… 2/ The projects/trials further address #SARS-CoV-2 persistence in #LongCOVID, plus the impact of viral activity on #Alzheimer’s & cardiovascular disease. They include:
Jan 12 9 tweets 2 min read
PolyBio is glad to have supported this Nature Immunology paper showing #LongCovid immune dysregulation connected to potential #SARS-CoV-2 tissue reservoirs. Learn more about the findings here: polybio.org/polybio-suppor… 2/ Overall, Long COVID patients showed differences in the distributions of their T cells, implying ongoing #immune responses. The team also documented a mis-coordination between the SARS-CoV-2-specific T and B cell responses of Long COVID patients.
Nov 1, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
We are excited to announce a $15M gift from Kanro: a philanthropic fund to support scientific research established by Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum: finance.yahoo.com/news/polybio-r… 2/ The funding will support a second phase of research and clinical trials via the #LongCovid Research Consortium (LCRC): a global scientific collaboration to rapidly and openly study core biological drivers of Long COVID: polybio.org/longcovid
Oct 21, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
We are excited to share that @MBVanElzakker & team at @MGHMartinos have published a preprint with the results of a high-resolution #LongCovid imaging study. They identified neuroinflammation across a wide range of brain regions in LongCovid patients: polybio.org/polybio-suppor… 2/ They additionally found that #neuroinflammation positively correlated with blood measures related to vascular dysfunction. The study is supported via our LongCovid Research Consortium Image
Aug 1, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
PolyBio is proud to have supported this new study by @MichaelPelusoMD & team. They identified tissue-based T cell activation in body sites such as brainstem/bone marrow + #SARS-CoV-2 RNA persistence in colorectal tissue up to 2 years post-COVID-19: medrxiv.org/content/10.110… 2/ More specifically they performed whole-body positron emission tomography (#PET) imaging in a group of 24 participants at time points ranging from 27-910 days following acute SARS-CoV-2 infection using a novel radiotracer that quantifies activated T lymphocytes
Apr 11, 2023 22 tweets 7 min read
PolyBio is excited to be leading the LongCovid Research Consortium (LCRC): a global scientific collaboration to rapidly & comprehensively study #LongCovid disease mechanisms, with a focus on SARS-CoV-2 reservoir (). LCRC projects we are supporting include:polybio.org/longcovid 1. Perelman School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania: “Long COVID: Using #SARS-CoV-2 specific T cells as biosensors of viral persistence” 👉 Learn more here: polybio.org/projects/long-…
May 17, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
This is an important talk @resiapretorius gave at the @polybioRF Seminar Series. Her early pilot data (~10 subjects) shows that #LongCovid patients have abnormal microclots in their blood samples that are indicative of endothelial + platelet dysfunction: 2/ The microclots in the LongCovid samples contain serum amyloid A, fibrinogen, complement factors, and cytoskeletal kerratin. Dr. Pretorius has already filed a patent for diagnosing #LongCovid using detection of these deposits. She is also writing a paper on her findings.