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sometimes i write, sometimes i disappear | 🦊😷 ⛓️🌧️ 🌱🏛️ |
Apr 18, 2023 24 tweets 4 min read
#sakuatsu confession letter

“So, this letter is for me?” A 3rd year Sakusa Kiyoomi asked his junior, Atsumu Miya who stood before him with an annoyed expression on his face.

“Not anymore.” Atsumu answered. He might be Sakusa's junior, but he wouldn’t let Sakusa shame him.
+ It’s stupid to have a crush on Sakusa, but he couldn’t help it. Sakusa looked like Atsumu’s next mistake and he wouldn’t mind letting Sakusa waste his time. Probably.

His jet-black curly hair, tall, sharp eyes whenever he was looking at Atsumu did things to Atsumu.
Apr 14, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
#miyatwins atsumu is getting married, osamu is afraid to be separated | hurt comfort

“Is this it? Are ya gonna leave me forever, Tsumu?”

The gray eyes looking at the brown one. Eyes that are normally looking bored but now filled with worry Atsumu has never seen before.
+ “The heck are ya talkin’ about, Samu?!”

How could Samu think of that? They are twins. They will be together no matter what. No matter that Atsumu will be married to Kiyoomi in less than 48 hours. They will always be the Miya Twins.
Mar 26, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
#sakuatu pre relationship | flirty!atsumu, unbothered!kiyoomi

Flirting is like Atsumu’s middle name. He’s a natural at it, without even trying. And he knows he’s good at it.

That’s why he’s busy flirting with Sakusa Kiyoomi, the rookie in MSBY.
+ Atsumu had met him on Youth Camp years ago, but didn’t really pay an attention to him. But now, seeing him tall and attractive really pulls Atsumu attention.

“Please tell you Mom I say thank you.” Atsumu says as he sit down beside Kiyoomi.

“For what, exactly?”
Feb 1, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
#sakuatsu soulmate au | hurt-comfort with happy ending

“I don’t believe in soulmates.” Sakusa, the newest member of MSBY said to Atsumu after seeing the red string between them.

“Oh…” That was the thing Atsumu could mustered, this was unexpected.
+ “The idea of being with someone just because the red string told you to is ridiculous.” That was harsh, but Sakusa had his own fair share seeing people split despite their so-called ‘fate’.

No words coming from Atsumu. He was still processing the fact that his soulmate-
Jan 30, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
#sakuatsu affection

“haaa i wish omi is as affectionate as tobio-kun! i’m jealous shoyo~”

kiyoomi overheard his boyfriend’s convo with shoyo that noon after practice and stared at the wall for a minute.
+ true that kiyoomi was opposed into touching people/people touching him. but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to get annoyingly affectionate with atsumu.

the thing was, everything takes time. he needed to adjust into relationship,
Jan 26, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
#sakuatsu established relationship, attentive omi

it's always a nightmare after a night out, especially for atsumu. the pounding headache, dry throat, and dizziness is something atsumu isn't looking forward to.

but this time, it's different, this time, kiyoomi is here.
+ "ugghhh..." atsumu groans from the bed. blonde hair is messy and he smelled like cigarets. he puts a pillow on top of his head, uselessly trying to stop the headache.
Jan 24, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
#sakuatsu hurt/comfort, pre relationship

atsumu isn’t one to ask for help. not because of his pride, but because he used to be like that.

now, he’s nursing his blisters on his knees, alone, in the locker room after everyone got home.
+ moment like this is atsumu’s weakness. his mind travels to when he was a kid in the foster care, samu would be the one who took care of atsumu.

both cried, atsumu because of blisters and osamu because he saw his twin cried.