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You are now consciously aware of your blinking. Elsewhere. - - - blorskee : pookleblinky
7 subscribers
Jun 8, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Near future SF where a person in a Gritty costume begins systematically assassinating billionaires and politicians, in public, in increasingly theatric ways.

No one can identify them, or figure out how they're getting past so many layers of security Gritty snipes the first billionaire from hundreds of meters away.

The 12 person assassinated, is killed by decapitation with a monofilament line in the middle of a tv interview from their own home
Jun 8, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The thing is, at the exec level, they do jackshit. They count golfing as work, they include their breakfast as work. Their "16 hour days" are full of bullshit.

Meetings *are* the closest thing they do to work. They end up thinking all actual work is meetings. These products are marketed at the executives of their own companies: people who have zero idea what work actually is.
Jun 7, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Has anyone noticed that chatbots are utterly incapable of writing romance, that all of the "it's so over for writers" examples are as sexless and prudish as the corporations that make em Challenge: try to get a chatbot to describe two people *making out*.

Not fucking, the actions they take right before fucking. Can you get a chatbot to write even the most milquetoast expression of sexuality
Jun 7, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
A strength training program contains a routine, or multiple routines. It also, more importantly, contains planned progression and fatigue management.

A routine by itself is not a program, it's just a schedule of shit that is done. A routine can be a schedule, it can chunk exercises into groups. 3x/wk, 6x/wk, PPL, upper/lower, bro-split etc.

The routine itself basically doesn't fucking matter unless it's unusually stupid. And the reason for it being stupid is almost always that it is not in a *program*
Jun 6, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Imagine going on a nice vacation and unknowingly you find yourself in a Peter Lorre impersonator convention.

Surrounded by hundreds of quirked up greasy lil goblin dudes, goated with the sauce, all busting it down sexual style. You're in the hot tub with a dozen Peter Lorres, they're competing to see who can bulge their eyes out more.

They ask you, incredibly salaciously, to be the judge.

This is the vacation you have always wanted, you think as you sip your margarita
Jun 5, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
It's hilarious that the only real use case for VR is porn, and everyone knows this, but no company wants to admit it. So they're all "oh yeah you can... do excel spreadsheets? Write... emails?" about it. If apple or any other company came out and said "introducing PORN GOGGLES, the world's first goggles for porn. $5,000 cash, you perverts," most people would accept this as a reasonable thing, a product aimed at wealthy porn connoisseurs.
May 30, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
I wonder how many husbands used to get poisoned by their wives but incorrectly, not enough for them to die.

Like they go to work on monday and are like "goddamn I got a bad stomach bug" not knowing that was arsenic. Like there had to be a wife who just wasn't good at poisoning. She's not trying to merely sicken the guy, but she keeps not killing him.
May 29, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
The key difference between conservatives 15 years ago and now, is that 15 years ago after they finished ranting about their bigotries they'd then talk about other things.

They had interests and hobbies, and personalities, *beside* those bigotries. The guy who would talk about nuking mecca, would also talk about things other than nuking mecca.

He did not make that the only thing he was able to talk about, in any context, in any conversation.
May 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Tw: calories

3 eggs: 234 cals. Almost all the rest of the cals would be the cheese, assuming no oil/butter.

1,500 cals of cheddar: 364 grams, 13oz, 0.8lb.

The omelet contains over 3/4th of a block of cheese. Image Those 1500 calories could come from a combination of cheese and butter. At 50/50, that'd be 100g of butter, 184g of cheese.
May 29, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
There is no complication of covid severe enough for the government to ever again take even the smallest action to mitigate it or protect the people affected by it. We all already saw them not give a fuck about death, the most severe complication of any infection.

Walensky even said that it was encouraging that most deaths were among disabled people.
May 28, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Me: conservatives nowadays have let their weird and offputting bigotries, hatreds, and grievances entirely consume their personalities in a way that was was uncommon to find a few years ago

Twitter: bigots existed then!

Me: yes, and nowadays they are hollowed-out husks. Image Those bigots back then were still recognizable to their families and loved ones. They had varied hobbies and interests, they could have conversations that were not about their bigotry.

Nowadays the homophobic mom spends 10 hours a day mainlining nazi talking points, buying merch
May 28, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
"but doesn't every generation-"

15 years ago, saying "my parents are conservative" did not carry a high chance of them being utterly unable to stop shrieking about the necessity of genocide, buddy. "My parents are pretty conservative"

20 years ago: ah, they hate poor people and get weird about premarital sex, gotcha

Now: ah, they literally want to execute all trans people
May 28, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
I like doing weird lifting stuff because I can go "I have no idea what my max deadlift is but I did do 135 405lb deadlifts in a row a few weeks ago" I just think it's way more fun and interesting to have weird lifting goals other than 1RM's.

A lot of people can squat more than 350lbs. Not many can squat 350lbs for 52 reps.
May 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The creepypasta "I found a video game that shouldn't exist and I think it's trying to kill me" has a cool take on videogame creepypasta.

The protagonist is a nerd hired to fish-sit for a few weeks, and stumbles across a dusty kid's room with old video games in it. He finds a few that were never made, and he has a whole theory that these games are from an alternate reality.

He discovers a Joe Camel video game, and starts playing it, getting really into it.
May 27, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Take a moment to imagine a boomer buying all kinds of rightwing youtube merch to own the libs. They've got coffee mugs with "defund teachers" and such, weird terf conspiracy shirts, open neo-nazi insignia emblazoned pillow cases, the works.

Imagine them dying. Their kids, who have not spoken to them in years, are tasked to sort through this horde of fucked up shit.

They're like "hey, maybe there's kid pictures of us, childhood art projects, remember that cool book we all used to read?"
May 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Take a moment to imagine a 12 year old working in a meat processing plant, viciously slicing his palm open on something.

His boss shouts, threatening him, tells him he's not allowed to tell anyone or else. He comes home, palm cut down to the bone, and tries to hide it from his parents. It's still thickly wrapped in gauze, he doesn't know that he needs the wound treated or that dressing needs to be changed. He's terrified of having to go to a doctor about it.
May 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
A trans woman expresses literally any opinion and a million people will start working themselves up into an utter frenzy of shakespearean drama.

She could say "damn it sucks to be poor" and a million people will charge in screaming that she's the next marie antoinette Her: oh no my back hurts

500,000 strangers recieving the bat signal: are you saying the armenian genocide was faked?! spitting on our men in blue?! look at these elitests taunt us
May 26, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
In early european folklore, vampires were portrayed as flushed, redfaced, ruddy complexion.

The wieszczy, a Polish vampire, was noted for its ruddy complexion before and after death. To stop a wieszczy from returning, one method was to bury the body with a net. The idea was that the vampire would spend a lot of time untying the net one knot at a time.
May 26, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Second A workout of the week will happen at some point today. Tempted to switch leg raise with timed zercher holds for rest of run, but nah, can do that as conditioning.

Multiple sets of breathing squats at round (SSB) barbell numbers: definitely the way to go Image Today's breathing squats will be:

All done with no rest other than changing plates between.

At 240lbs another set of 20 will be added before the tep set, etc.
May 26, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The cool thing about trigonometry is that it's a whole field of math dedicated to measuring triangles, it's right there in the name. Like, triangles got their own special treatment, people became absolute experts in triangles.

Trigonometer: a triangle-understander There was a period of time when being good at triangles made you hot shit among mathematicians. They'd throw their mathematician panties at you as you presented stunning new triangle facts.
May 25, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Thought experiment: imagine there were a government agency with unlimited budget, called the Wish Administration.

At 8 years old everyone has to list 4 things they want.

At 40 years old, the Wish Administration gives them those things. The agency has unlimited money. If you wished for a dinosaur, you *will* get a dinosaur.

If your wish can be granted, it will be.