How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App of these women in the US need to look up the femicide rates in countries south of the border, or how in Mexico a woman risks sexual assault if she is stupid enough to take public transportation, how even the police are not to be trusted in terms of rape. There is not some property inherent to the soil that causes them to do this FYI it is the people. And when we allow the poorest of the global south (the people doing this) unlimited access, we are importing the problem here eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius. would be like if all the lowest of Chicagoans decided to move to Paris and chimp out every day and night and then the French would think "man what the fuck is wrong with Americans, why do they hate us?" No man you just decided to give to shelter and permanent handouts to the…… of all, strange impression that "800 years ago people never traveled to or lived to see these cathedrals." Pilgrimages were encouraged in the middle ages, and a trip to a large city was not some extraordinarily rare outing. Moreover, go into any small medieval town in Italy……