Rev. Poppy Haze 𓅋 Profile picture
Quoted on the BBC World Service ✨colony-ship for sale cheap ✨ 会说中文 ✨ QC at Falcon Safety Products ✨ she/her/tā
Jul 6 6 tweets 2 min read
the story of why "things made for the developing world" made by westerners rarely work out.

like how a designer made a "play pump" that pump water with a merry-go-round, turned into child sweatshops, and adults "playing"
a leader of Burkina Faso said w/r/t aid, "[Don't send us food], but give us your best seeds, tractors, pesticides, & fertilizer."

give mosquito nets to fishermen, they've been dealing with malaria but damn hunger hurts worse, using the net for fishing is a rational choice
Mar 9 6 tweets 3 min read
When Herbert wrote Dune in 1965, to understand the Butlerian Jihad, you must understand that to interact with any system, private or public, was via a punchcard

"Do Not Fold, Spindle or Mutilate" printed on the cards became an ironic slogan for how computers oppress you

A collection of 4 punchcards, this is a green one for a book club mailed to a person showing the cost of the books typed by a typewriter but also with holes punched through it so it's both machine and human readable.
A phone bill punchcard, with typed human readable text but the rest of the card is covered in holes for the machine to read.
An inventory control punchcard to help organize a warehouse or storeroom with spaces to handwrite or type the details but also holes punched in it for machines.
A US Post Office postal banking certificate of deposit for $1000 with handwritten and stamped details but also many holes punched in it as yes, this is also a punchcard.
The punchcard became a symbol of how the modern bureaucracy was unresponsive to human needs. If you have ever had someone at a computer tell you they "can't" do something because the computer won't let them, you have been oppressed by the computer too.…
Jul 5, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
because of the need to seal cameras inside bunkers with telephoto lenses, government nuclear test footage has no sound. So here’s amateur footage with real sound of a nuke As for why civilians are so close, in 1955, the Army did a study on the frequency of natural disasters and subsequent deaths and decided the acceptable probability of a hydrogen bomb detonating by accident in the US was 1 in 100,000 per year. Atom bombs was set at 1 in 125.
May 17, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Fentanyl has a very obvious overdose, dizziness, vomiting, giddiness as the euphoria hits, small pupils, slowed breathing, and is easily reversed with naloxone. It's obviously symptomatically that the dramatic hyperventilating faints are panic attacks A while back I found a report of customs officers who opened a conex of fentanyl, they got happy and dizzy and had to rest in a hospital, they were fine. HOWEVER, TV cop shows depict fentanyl as instant fainting because it's easy for bad actors to perform.
Apr 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I went to look this up and I discovered that none of the rooms besides the major ones in the US Capitol are assigned to anyone. After the building was built in 1800, there was a mad rush of senators to squat in “hideaways” in the maze of rooms in the building Today the Senate Rules Committee assigns “hideaway” private offices to senators and a few chosen house reps by seniority and political connections. Some are luxurious enough to have private kitchens, some are just cheap basements to nap in, others are places to hide a mistress.
Apr 17, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
this italian study, which retests those awful hellswabs that go down your nose into your throat from the Measles and Rubella monitoring program found a different lineage of coronavirus circulating before the Wuhan outbreak was identified. They thought they were sick with measles The Italian health service was already wondering what was going on, because suddenly measles-like disease, coughing, sneezing, fever, and a strange measles like rash but without a positive measles test was spreading at a rate far higher than normal in summer of 2019. Image
Mar 4, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
There's another bat-derived disease that's been having regular outbreaks for years, Ebolavirus. It's believed there's 2 ways it spreads to people, children playing near bat nesting sites contact infected guano, or they infect meat animals which are eaten
A CDC Diagram explaining the Enzootic and Epizootic Cycles o In the PBS documentary, you see the Guinea government very quickly use tactics that Western governments would use. They only chose to investigate "laboratory confirmed cases", and the numbers looked a lot better. But heaps of people were still fucking dying.
Mar 4, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
one of my favorite "SOCIETY" things is this 2018 cover of the news magazine The Atlantic, where a moral panic about us transgender people is front and center, and in TINY little print in the top right, "We're Not Prepared for the Next Pandemic" A cover for The Atlantic, showing an androgynous model front 2018 was the centennial of the 1918 flu pandemic which killed 25-50 million and infected 500 million, and later caused an epidemic of mysterious paralysis and dementia cases in the survivors. Every epidemiologist said 100 years means we're overdue for a major pandemic.
Mar 3, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Even after years of neglect under various administrations, the primary way the Empire defended itself was through an infrastructure of temporary barracks. In large cities, this consisted of well made permanent buildings with thousands of bunks, stables, and defensive works. However, for places that cannot afford it, it's just a clearing with a wooden fence around it. Stakes in the ground provide a place to tie cord to throw oilcloths over. If you're lucky, the remains of old fire reflectors and pits means soldiers don't have to build it themselves.
Mar 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
cops also engage in emotional manipulation, they'll tell you "why don't you write down your memories of what happened" or my favorite, "okay lets just write an apology letter to the victim to make them feel better" and they'll edit & cut up your handwritten note as a "confession" Even if you are innocent, never speak to the police, get a lawyer. Remember, a cop and prosecutor only gets promoted if they successfully put people behind bars.

Notice that doesn't say "guilty people", as long as somebody is behind bars, they're getting a new office.
Mar 2, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
starting to wonder if we dumped Bin Laden into the ocean because that IS what the US does with its mass graves so no one can find them later that is to say, it's not weird that the spec ops dudes dumped bin Laden into the ocean, that was standard operating procedure for all the people they disappear. and it has precedent too that predates the US.

British prisoner of war ships Image
Dec 9, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) or Dawson Disease is a rare, frequently fatal complication of measles. 1 in 5,000 cases will develop it but it is as high as 1 in 609 for infants. Mothers and potential birthing parents should always stay up to date on vaccinations. In short: 4 MRI images of t... There is no cure, but if caught early in Stage 1, there are treatments with antivirals and interferon and hoping. There is a 5% spontaneous remission rate. SSPE is when the measles virus instead of causing the rash instead silently migrates to the brain and hides for 1-27 years.
Dec 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Momentarily lost the ability to speak Chinese or English, instead just made a series of rhythmic sounds. Back now. a lot better than the last time i had aphasia in that i recognized my Chinese no longer made sense, it was just noises with tones
Dec 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
one of my favorite pieces of like internet longreads, a formal analysis of Metal Gear Solid 2 with the line:
"raiden is hated because he's a reflection of the player, someone trained on simulations who believes he's as good as the real thing, snake"… And in MGS5, it happens again, spoilers for a 7 year old game: with Venom Snake, a similar but rage filled Snake who literally resembles a demon. But it ends on a strange note, when it is all revealed, it's a thank you message, saying you, the player, is part of the legend now
Dec 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
as Christmas nears, let's not forget the Christmas Truce of 1914 in WWI, when soldiers on both sides dropped hostilities to celebrate Christmas and were brutally punished by their officers. Future tactical changes were made to prevent it from ever happening again As December 1915 rolled around, both sides ordered "trench raids", pointlessly small attacks to take sometimes single prisoners, designed to build hatred. Artillery was also fired around the holidays to keep the flames of hatred lit. Yet soldiers kept trying to do it.
Dec 2, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
so what was the one Ye tweet that ol Musky deigned was too offensive for swastika-star-of-david man to post? it is funny he went and defended his favorite fashion brand before saying who his wife slept with at the end of a nazi rant, truly the most divorced man alive
Dec 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
lol Boeing isn't planning on even starting a new aircraft design until 2030, which means since the 787 Dreamliner in 2011, that means there will be no new aircraft for 25 years There's basically 3 factors, GE and Safran are working on the RISE, a new type of open-fan engine, will become mature around 2035; Boeing needs to optimize its outsourcing framework to subcontractors; and Boeing wants to pressure lawmakers to certify new 737 MAX variants
Nov 22, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
libsoftiktok is no different from the Rwandan RTLM radio station that transmitted endless hate propaganda against anyone that didn't support genocide after the assassination of Rwanda's President by rebel groups, RTLM pivoted immediately into claiming a genocide of Rwanda's majority peoples were at-hand and calling for immediate pre-emptive genocide. RTLM broadcast where refugees were fleeing so they could be hunted down
Nov 21, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
when the shooting started in the gay bar in Colorado, an army vet, Richard Fierro, 45, just went for the guy, throwing him to the floor, and with the other patrons, beat and kicked the shooter. and the cops proceeded to tackle and then detained Fierro for an hour. as terrible as it is, you will need to be aware of what to do in a mass shooting situation. Hide, Flee, or Fight. If you can, gather people with you to hide in a room with a locking door. If you're in the open, run. If it's you or them, a chair, a bottle, barehanded, fight.
Nov 21, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
so the 2 Tradcath dudes, one of whom was apparently "@​VrillGod", who had bought a gun and were preparing to shoot up synagogues had first visited St. Patricks to get a 'blessing' from the priest but like, what the fuck do you say? Like i'm curious what they said and the response it seems more like they came up after mass to talk to the priest casually rather than in confession, wherein the duty is to never say shit under pain of excommunication, but like besides denying absolution and trying to convince the idiots to confess, what do you do?
Nov 20, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
this is how important sanitation is, imagine if Mao wasn't incensed by seeing dead rats everywhere and making the people sick. in context, this is after the 1911-1912 Xinhai Revolution that abolished the Emperor, then comes the 1915 coup by the new president, formerly a defected Imperial General declares himself emperor 2, and then a year later, he dies and we enter the start of the Warlord Era...