Porter Stansberry Profile picture
Finance Hack. Chairman of Porter & Co. Founder of MarketWise (NASDAQ: MKTW), a leading publisher of independent financial research.
JustHangin Profile picture Jose Rouse Profile picture Headless Horseman Profile picture Stephen Leung Profile picture Jack Aroo Day Profile picture 13 subscribed
Jan 23 28 tweets 5 min read
I want to tell you what happened – a stock jumped 150% yesterday. The reason isn’t obvious. This is, without a doubt, the most valuable information anyone will ever give you for free in your life. Which is why you’ll ignore it. Ironically, for maybe 3 or 4 people, this thread will change their lives forever – completely change everything for them financially. And even though that is undeniably true (as you’ll see) virtually everyone who reads this thread will ignore it
Jan 19 18 tweets 3 min read
St. Paul's Update Part III. I'd promised a "bombshell" disclosure today -- something I believe the school would find so embarrassing it would immediately be forced to fire St Paul's President Clark Wight. But, first, I want to make a few things clear. My children have attended St. Paul's for a combined 17 years. We -- my ex-wife Andrea and my children -- love St. Paul's and the community of the school. And we have given generously to the school for many years.
Jan 9 18 tweets 3 min read
A year ago @Porter_and_Co published a dire warning about a mega-cap American stock. This was the only mega cap stock we told investors to avoid. And it is no ordinary business. It is America’s most strategically important company. We said it would soon “collapse.” Our January 27th 2023 headline? COMING SOON: THE BOEING COLLAPSE. How did we know? For the last 20 years there hasn’t been a company in America that’s embraced more bad ideas – from financial engineering to ESG – than Boeing.
Oct 21, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Last part... continuing my 2013-published The Wages of Obama's Sins my predictions about what Obama's unprecedented government spending, deficits, and monetary manipulation would mean for our country. You might wonder, given the accuracy of my 2013 economic, political, and cultural predictions, what was I recommending investors do...? Buy capital efficient businesses, own some gold, and short Treasury bonds (short TLT over $100). Took a while for that bond short to pay off!
Oct 21, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
Continuing my 2013-published The Wages of Obama's Sins my predictions about what Obama's unprecedented government spending, deficits, and monetary manipulation would mean for our country. #3. As the government poisons the economy by ruining our money and destroying our credit... it will become more and more difficult for politicians to deliver on any of their promises to the poor.
Oct 21, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Continuing my 2013-published The Wages of Obama's Sins my predictions about what Obama's unprecedented government spending, deficits, and monetary manipulation would mean for our country. #2. All other democracies that have faced similar financial problems have all gone down the same path of denying the extent of their financial obligations and turning to "alternative" methods of financing their debts.
Oct 21, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
On Dec 31, 2013 I published The Wages of Obama's Sins. The letter was a prophecy of how gov spending, financed by deficits and inflation of the money supply, would send our county into an economic collapse. I wrote: Since 2008, when President Obama was elected, the official, net public debt of the U.S. federal government has increased by $5.5 trillion. That's more than double the size of the total net public debt of the U.S. in 2007, the year before Obama was elected ($5.03 trillion).
Oct 14, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
The reckoning begins on Tuesday.
For decades, America has lived well beyond its means. The ongoing 50-year deluge of money, credit, and soaring government spending began with Nixon’s repudiation of the gold standard on August 9, 1971. America’s experiment with paper money reached its zenith – $7.1 trillion in unfunded government spending – in the insane over-reaction to the flu of 2020.
Mar 30, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
I am the founder and the largest individual shareholder of NASDAQ listed company MarketWise (MKTW). This thread is about what happens to founders who trust their partners and what really happens when companies go public. I’ve spent my entire career as a financial newsletter publisher berating public companies for withholding material information and misleading investors with their disclosures. Today, I got to watch my own company behave this way.