The triumph of HBD in the explanation of racial differences in so called general intelligence. Average european ancestry explain 0.7% of the variance, polygenic score + european ancestry 1.5%, parental education 7% in an african american sample(n=2179)…
Of course contrary to the proclamation in the abstract there is not the slightest test about whether or not racial differences in so called g are related to the education associated genetic variants. An easy mediation test that they refrain to make for obvious reasons lol.
Mar 28, 2018 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
Rawls 101. You should inform yourself more about liberal theories of justice.
Lot of left to liberal actual science on these issued from Lewentin to Richardson. Lot of STS people to the same stuff. People just don't have the motivation to refute the same bullshit all over again.
From twin studies, transracial adoption studies, heritability estimates to GWAS and GCTA, all have been covert extensively by left to liberal specialists of the subject.